Euroamerica, a Summary of the Chapter
Coca leaves for sale in a Bolivian market (Wikimedia Commons)
Today’s basic drug prohibition laws were all put into American law between 1906 and 1918 by the ruling White supremacist culture. These legal lies, put into modern language, are simply a repeat of the slaver lies found in the Malleus Maleficarum. The Drug War is the Inquisition.
America’s drug prohibition laws are built on these legally institutionalized slaver lies:
1. human herbalism is abnormal;
2. human herbalism causes crime;
3. whole herbs are the same as refined concentrates;
4. pharmacological evidence is irrelevant in drug cases;
5. the pure physics of supply and demand can be overcome with legislation.
The Controlled Substances Act of 1970, the current federal law, is Nixon’s politicized update of these lies. This book is the history of those lies, embedded in American law and politics. America’s great saving grace, of course, is its ethos of free speech. I don’t fear that the secret police will come knocking on my door because of my critique of the drug war. I feel an absolute, an ecstatic, freedom of expression. But American history is schizophrenic. I feel free to speak, but the lilies of the field, my birthright, have been denied me. We Americans have the ecstacy of centuries of spectacular creativity and innovation, and the agony of human enslavement, prohibitionism and mass imprisonment built on Prohibition. American prohibitionism is the primary engine driving the fascism threatening America today. How is it that normal human herbalism is demonized to the point of imprisonment? When did I become a slave forbidden to partake of humanity’s traditional sacramental herbs? How is it that America imprisons a higher percentage of its population than any other nation on earth? The U.S. imprisons 700 people per 100,000. The Dutch imprison 70. That is a working definition of industrial fascism, and it is built on the slaver propaganda of the Drug War. All recognized terrorist groups are drug gangs, financed by the artificial value created by our Prohibition. There is no established, self-sustaining terrorist group that is not a drug gang, and there is no drug gang that is not also a terrorist group. Al Qaeda doesn’t exist without the artificial value our Prohibition gives its heroin. How do we stop al Qaeda, the Taliban and the Sinaloa cartel? Bankrupt them with controlled global legalization or decriminalization. Pull the financial rug out from under them.
It is no coincidence that those countries that have legalized or medicalized drugs, like Holland and Portugal, have 15% - 35% of our per capita opioid use rate. Holland has less than 20% of our opioid use rate. Obviously, if opioids really did cause an ‘epidemic,’ that would not be possible, since opioids are the same in Holland. If opioids really did cause an epidemic, Holland would have to have the same per capita opioid use rate that we have. The real public policy question isn’t “what do we do about the opioid epidemic?,” but “why doesn’t Holland have an opioid epidemic?” ‘Epidemic’ is an archetypal inquisitorial word used repeatedly in the Malleus Maleficarum, which talks constantly of the “epidemic of witchcraft,” by which the medievals meant herbal shamanism, contemporary midwifery. Prohibition, which achieved the blanket criminalization of the safe traditional whole herbs by equating them with the newly-invented refined concentrates, is a stimulus to hard drug use, just as the artificial value provided by Prohibition is the most powerful stimulus to production that can be devised – it is a structural price support. Legally, coca leaf became cocaine.
This is the history of the mass-imprisonment and global imperialism, the endless war, built by those in the warfare and imprisonment business using the Drug Propaganda. The Drug War is a Reichstag Fire designed to justify sucking as much of the public purse as possible into the military-police-prison-treatment complex. How do we afford medicare for all, a green new deal, universal pre-K, debt-free college? Stop creating drug crime out of whole cloth, stop demonizing normal human herbalism and stop spending most of the culture’s wealth on mass imprisonment and weapons systems to fight unnecessary colonialist wars.
The Drug War, the fascist militarization of American culture, is the Vietnam War in slow motion – completely unnecessary, self-inflicted, global strategic suicide, engineered by the same forces that engineered the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was profitable to no one but the weapons manufacturers and the CIA-connected drug dealers, whom we called a government, trading their heroin profits for our weapons. Just as the Viet Minh, our WWII ally, was not attacking us, so too ‘drugs’ are not attacking us - any more than ‘Jews’ were attacking Germany in the 1930s. There is no such thing as ‘drug-caused crime’ – it’s all Prohibition caused crime, hoodlum fights over possession or dealing territory caused by the artificial value Prohibition gives these demanded commodities. It is that artificial value alone that creates the drug gangs – without Prohibition they don’t exist. We are pummeled with cliché-spouting news stories that pound ‘drug crime’ into the public consciousness, when in fact what we are dealing with is Prohibition crime, money-motivated crime. There is no drug threat. There is a Prohibition threat.
Virtually the entire public argument for Prohibition, before it became law in 1918, was rabid, aggressive, scapegoating anti-Black racism. Prohibitionism was the number one political platform of the KKK in 1920, as it was that of Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Kresge et al. The same racist killers who put ‘separate but equal’ into law in 1896 with Pleassy v. Ferguson, wrote most of the standing legal precedents of today’s Drug War, for the same fascist purposes. You couldn’t arrest people for organizing a union, but, after 1918, you could arrest unionists for having a beer. In the end, the beer scam failed, but it institutionalized organized crime in America, and the related pot, coca and opium scam succeeded. It was Prohibition and the related Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906 and the Harrison Act of 1914 that gave us what we now call the DEA (The Narcotics Division of the Prohibition Unit). Prohibition was necessary to reinstitute slavery as sharecropping, and Black folks, and Native Americans, were ideal scapegoats to justify legally defining us all as slaves. The enforcement structures created by Prohibition remain as politically and racially selective, and as connected to organized crime, as ever. The Bush and Saudi BCCI bank was a drug money laundry covertly trading arms for Contra Cocaine and Afghan Heroin.
The central sacrament of Incan culture, coca leaf, a medicinal chew and tea leaf, was determined to be un delusio del demonio by Pizarro’s slaver priests, who proceeded to save Incan souls by working them to death as beasts of burden under the lash. Farm animals are rendered docile by control of their eating and reproduction, which is why slaver religion and slaver law are full of personal strictures regarding eating and reproducing. Original Sin is a slaver domination trick. There is nothing sinful about eating and reproducing.
Coca leaves are considered a sacred food in their culture of origin. There is nothing dangerous about whole coca leaves, which are as harmless as orange pekoe tea. Coca leaf tea is traditional Incan baby medicine. Cocaine, which wasn’t isolated until 1860, comprises less than 1% of the weight of a coca leaf. Highland coca, erythroxylum coca, is about 1% cocaine by weight. Lowland coca, Colombian coca, erythroxylum ipadu, is about ½ of 1%. It takes 2000 pounds of coca leaves to make 10-20 pounds of cocaine. There are far more dangerous compounds in potatoes, tomatoes, celery, pizza mushrooms and fava beans, all of which are perfectly safe to eat. But Incan tribal identity centers around rituals involving Mama Coca, who is contacted through the communal ritual use of her leaf, so control of coca was essential for Incan enslavement. This happened centuries before the invention of cocaine. That is, the Drug War was born in the industrial enslavement process of the ancient world, and has nothing to do with conquistador concern for anybody’s health. F
This book is largely the political history of the intentional confusion between whole herbs and refined concentrates, a confusion rooted in the unconscious contents of our political culture. That is, in the planted axiom that ‘the drug problem’ can be discussed in terms of modern politics. The Drug War can’t be separated from the cultural compulsion of our conquistador history. Nor can it be separated from the evolutionary function of inebriative behavior, known to anthropologists as shamanism. The classic anthropological definition of ‘shamanism’ is ‘archaic techniques of ecstacy,’ to which I would add, ‘designed to foster communal identity, healing and automatic creativity.’ These techniques includes herbalism, music, walkabout and ordeal.
Industrial political evolution has been as successful in burying conscious knowledge of the archaic techniques of ecstasy as it has been in burying the wolf, and those that understood it. Unconscious knowledge, on the other hand, is a tad more difficult to manipulate, as the neurotic lurching of so many of our public figures demonstrates; ‘just say no,’ after all, was invented by an ad agency recommended to Nancy Reagan by an alcoholic, one of her chief aides, Michael Deaver.
Our public laws are no longer overtly racist, but we are still brutally anti-tribal, in many ways institutionally unloving, structurally violent, to millions of our children, our tribal primitives, and to our shamanic adults. This is a psychological inheritance from our conquistador past, as well as a legal one, and is directly responsible for the persistence of racism in our culture. Racism is the otherizing, the tribalizing, the scapegoating of people for a political purpose.
This inquisitorial neurosis, this slaver hostility to tribal culture, inculcated by patriarchal religion, the mandatory slaver replacement of matriarchal tribal religion, this proscription, causes drug problems, in the same way that violent sexual puritanism causes sexual problems. The ancient tribal wisdom prevents them. There are many cultures, both tribal and industrial, the Vicosinos of Peru and the Dutch, for instance, that don’t have anything like our current disaster, and they all apply prescription rather than proscription.
James Adair, a trader among the Indians in the southern U.S. in the 1760s, expressed a typically American attitude when he wrote, “For my own part I would prefer an old Indian before any chirurgeon whatsoever, in curing green wounds by bullets, arrows, &c. both for the certainty, ease, and speediness of cure.” Europeans were amazed at the superiority of Native American trauma treatment. Indians from Peru to Canada understood the use of arboreal oleoresins, antiseptic and healing herb juices, honey and egg whites. William Wood, in 1639, wrote, “Some of them have been shot in at the mouth, and out of the ear, some shot in the breast; some run through the flank with darts, and other desperate wounds, which either by their rare skill in the use of vegetatives, or diabolical charms, they cure in a short time.” 21 22
Bossu, in the 1750s, reported the progressive use by Choctaw shamans of an antiseptic powder on a wound, a regular antiseptic wash, and drying and healing agents. Dr. Pitcher, in the mid-nineteenth century, reported that the Michigan Indians began the treatment of a gunshot wound using a powdered puffball as an effective hemostat. A bladder and quill syringe was then used to inject a mild antiseptic wash into the wound, guarding against premature closure with a drainage straw of slippery elm bark - firm enough to sink in, soft enough not to damage the wound. In 1929, Dr. Harlow Brooks in the Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine declared: “In frontier medicine much, one may even say most, of the settlers’ knowledge in regard to the treatment of traumata has been bodily copied from the Indians.” 23 24
The Indians “developed a splint for legs, which, in their time, was superior to those used by whites.” The Ojibwas would put liniment on and warm a broken limb until it was relaxed, then jerk the dislocated bone back into place, setting it with wet clay or rawhide in conjunction with herbal poultices and elastic splints made of cedar or cactus ribs. The techniques of the Ojibwas, Pimas and Mescaleros for resetting and immobilizing broken bones with form-fitting splints are now the standard techniques of modern medicine.
Captain John Gregory Bourke went up against Crazy Horse’s Sioux and the Northern Cheyennes and was Crook’s aide-de-camp when he penetrated the Sierra Madres to force the surrender of Geronimo. Although he spent the early part of his life killing Indians, he got to know not only his scouts but his adversaries personally, and became fascinated by their humanity and their shamanism, becoming their political defender in later life. In his 1887 report on “The Medicine-Men of the Apache,” Captain Bourke described an Apache curandero administering an enema with an animal bladder and a hollow leg bone; that’s how ‘modern’ medicine was invented. 25 26 27
Two nineteenth century historians wrote that “For a century, French voyageurs and coureurs du bois had preferred the Indian treatment of wounds and chronic sores with poultices and herbs to that of whites. Native medicine men also doctored many other ills with concoctions of herbs, drinks, sweatings, and rubbings, usually accompanied with ceremonials, incantations, ghost shooting in the night, and similar aids. They even sucked out manitous, or evil spirits. In some western communities in the earlier years there were Indian doctors who were held in quite as high repute as regular white doctors.” 28
When William Bent, the legendary trader of Bent’s Fort in Colorado, was being choked to death by a throat infection, “the medicine man strung a sinew with sandburs and dipped it in hot buffalo tallow. This he forced down Bent’s throat with a peeled stick. When the tallow melted, he jerked the string out, pulling the infected membrane with it. Bent survived.” An old Sioux shaman, Baptiste, was so treasured at the Winnebago agency, that when his tribe was moved west the government built Baptiste a clinic and kept him on at the agency, where he treated Red and White alike, “finally dying respected by both races.” 29 30
Bossu described the “steam cabinets” of the Choctaws “in which are boiled all sorts of medicinal and sweet-smelling herbs. The vapor filled with the essence and salts of these herbs enters the patient’s body through his pores and his nose and restores his strength.” Spruce noted in the 1850s that “the domestic medicine of the South American Indian is chiefly hygienic, as such medicine ought to be, it being of greater daily importance to preserve health than to cure disease.” 31 32
Herbal knowledge, like knowledge of animal ways, is instinctive, emotional knowledge, knowledge that connects us to our identity, our roots in the Earth. There is no distinction between plant biochemistry and human biochemistry. The plant world is literally the mother of the animal world. This is our food. Many human neurotransmitters are chemically identical to herbal isolates. Most sacramental herbs actually work by triggering or repressing our own neurotransmitters. Since we share our evolution with these sacred foods, their identity is dream-knowledge, accessible in cultures that foster such knowledge. The shamanic state, the state of spirit-possession, often induced by sacred herbs, is often encyclopedic - superconscious, not subconscious. That’s why many shamans demonstrate uncanny memory. We know that The Odyssey and The Iliad were preserved, for hundreds of years before they were written down, by mnemonic power that very few moderns could match. The oral preservation of the Vedas, which weren’t set into print until the 19th century, is even more spectacular. Imagine the power of the intellect that could sing The Iliad from memory. Mnemosyne, according to Hesiod, is the Mother of the Nine Muses. She could look forward as well as backward, that is, she ‘remembered’ how the world worked, so that she could prophesy as well as recall. 64
When Jacques Cartier’s crew, icebound in the St. Lawrence River near Quebec in 1536, were dying of scurvy, it was Domagaia, the local chief, who saved them. Cartier had already suffered twenty-five dead when the chief asked his women to gather “the juice and sapple of a certain Tree....boiling the bark and leaves for a decoction, and placing the dregs upon the legs....No sooner had they drunk than they improved in a manner truly and obviously six days a whole tree as large and tall as any oak in France was used up. And in those six days it worked more wonders than all the physicians of Louvain and Montpelier using all the drugs in Alexandria could have done in a year.” 65
The scurvy was stopped by Domagaia’s white cedar, which Cartier called “the tree of life,” and the explorer survived to write his name in the history books. It was Cartier’s account of his rescue, two hundred years later, that caused Dr. James Lind of the Royal Navy to launch the experiments which ‘discovered’ the dietary basis of scurvy. When Captain Cook went around the world in 1776-80, he carried a large supply of beer spiked with spruce, another traditional Indian remedy for scurvy. Eskimos have known for millennia that the adrenal glands of moose, rich in vitamin C, were a scurvy preventative, and made a ritual of sharing the glands among the family.
‘Modern medicine’ is as much a discovery of ‘modern science’ as Hudson’s Bay is a discovery of Henry Hudson. Galileo and Newton may have described acceleration mathematically, but they didn’t invent the spear-thrower, the toggling harpoon, the bow or gun powder. Dr. Frederick Banting, the discoverer of insulin, credited tribal shamans with the “pharmaceutical spadework” that made his discovery possible. Fleming said the same thing about penicillin, and the same is true of digitalis, scopolamine, reserpine, ephedrine, atropine, quinine, curare and salicylic acid (aspirin), as well as of most basic medical techniques.
The Incas understood that kelp was a preventative for goiter, and used clay rich in kaolin for stomach upset and bacterial infections of the gut, just as modern kaopectate does. The birth control pill, in herbal form, is likewise a shamanic discovery. Hundreds of years before Withering discovered the cardiac stimulant digitalis in England in 1784, American Indian shamans were correctly using the American variety of foxglove, the source of digitalis, for the same purpose. 66
A 1967 analysis of one billion prescriptions showed 50% containing active ingredients, vegetal, mineral, animal and microorganic, known and used by shamans, and it is fair to say that at least another 25% contained synthetic copies of the same. A 1976 analysis came up with the same percentages. 67 68
Pater dazzles us with the techno-trees so as to obscure the forest. There are only three historical epochs: Prehistory, which is the reptilian-mammalian spine and medulla oblongata; Ancient History, which is the advent of Homo sapiens, the Upper Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago; and Modern History, which began with the invention of agriculture in the Neolithic, about 25,000 years ago, or with the military organization of Neolithic villages into the first great industrial slave states, the ‘first great civilizations,’ about 7,000 years ago.
If you think the Neolithic experiment in mammalian cybernetics isn’t present and ongoing, just contemplate the industrial destruction of the ecosphere. The bacterial plagues seem to have been replaced by viral plagues, the uncontrolled burning of fossil fuels seems to be warming the ocean and the atmosphere at an evolutionarily suicidal rate, the destruction of the Earth’s lungs, the rainforests, continues unabated, there is a massive die-off of species, an apparent change in the ratio of key atmospheric and oceanic gases - the list goes on and on.
There is no guarantee, as the oceanographers and atmospheric scientists are warning, that a combination of these disasters won’t careen out of control. If the poles heat up just a few more degrees, their cold water will cease to sink. It is this massive underocean river, which rises, heated, at the equator, that drives the oceanic food chain. Imagine what a stagnant ocean will do to the atmosphere, and the life that depends on it. The thawing of the Arctic tundra is continuing apace, the massive release of the trapped methane causing a geometric increase in the rate of global warming.
Here is the evolutionary necessity to control industrial fascism - it won’t control itself. Black Elk, or me, or you, smoking an inner peace pipe, communing with the vegetal source, refusing to make the assembly line a religion, ain’t the problem. What killed Black Elk’s people, and criminalized their shamanism, is. As Albert Szent-Gyorgi, the chemist who isolated vitamin C, puts it, we are still “the crazy ape.”
As the renowned linguist David Crystal puts it, “Anthropologically speaking, the human race can be said to have evolved from primitive to civilized states, but there is no sign of language having gone through the same kind of evolution. There are no ‘bronze age’ or ‘stone age’ languages, nor have any language types been discovered which correlate with recognized anthropological groups (pastoral, nomadic, etc.). All languages have a complex grammar...” 69
That grammar is the spontaneous geometry of mammalian perception and emotion. A co-worker of Bourke’s in Powell’s Bureau of Ethnology, the seminal anthropologist and linguist Franz Boas, in his 1911 Handbook of American Indian Languages, and Boas’ student Edward Sapir, in his 1921 book Language, demonstrated that Amer-Indian languages have complex declensions, verbal tenses and concepts as abstract, and as difficult for a non-speaker to comprehend, as anything found in Latin, Greek or English.
‘Snow’ may be adequate for an industrial urbanite, but a hunting Eskimo, who has dozens of functional descriptions of snow, can use snow, and communicate its uses, in ways that would make most modern urbanites seem like amnesiac fools. Tribal languages, regarding the ‘biological technology,’ are more sophisticated than industrial languages, not less.
No serious ethnologist missed the point that at least half the shamans were women with equal status in the medicine societies. I find myself pluralizing my sentences so as to find a pronoun, absent in English, or Spanish, that personalizes without specifying gender. The inanimate ‘it’ is hardly a substitute for ‘he’ or ‘she,’ although ‘they’ or ‘them’ does successfully personalize without specifying gender.
Edward Sapir’s student Benjamin Lee Whorf called this linguistic inadequacy SAE, Standard Average European. That is, Whorf pointed out that conscious thinking is often relative to the language learned. He demonstrated that the Hopi can express time in more than twenty-five subjective ways, whereas in SAE English, well worked-over by the inquisitorial process, I have only a few impersonal tenses available to me, resulting in a far poorer ability to express or even conceptualize subjective states. It follows that the attitude of the two cultures toward manipulating those states is equally different. 70
Very few mechanistic moderns can match the mnemonic power of a Hopi shaman (‘spirit-person,’ no gender intended). Jane Ellen Harrison stressed the Greek origins of many SAE English words precisely to illustrate the buried shamanic roots of our culture. Mnemosyne may be the root of our word ‘memory,’ but its use in ancient Greek literature implies powers of vision, perception and automatic creativity that extend far beyond the recollection of past events.
Many things are unconscious for us simply by virtue of cultural inculcation. Fantasies and even political dialogue that would be acceptable in one culture can be unacceptable in another. That is, language often subliminally teaches self-censorship, the instant suppression of unacceptable content.
‘Drug’ is a medieval French word, drogue, meaning ‘commodity no longer in demand and therefore valueless,’ as in our phrase ‘a drug in the market.’ It was put into the language by inquisitors and is a subtle piece of implicit propaganda, replacing the ancient ‘medicine’ words, like the Greek pharmakon (cognate with pharmakos, sacrificial king) with a put-down the speaker assumes to be subjective.
In France, in 1635, Cardinal Richelieu, a legendary inquisitor and slaver, established the Academie francaise, composed exclusively of priests, nobles and generals. He chartered them “to render it [the language] pure.” The Church founded the Accademia della Crusca in Italy in 1582 with the same object. The Congregatio de propaganda fide, “Congregation for propagating the faith,” founded by Pope Gregory XV in 1622, gave us the word propaganda. 71
Put ‘em all together and whaddya got? Drug Propaganda. Industrial fascists distort the meaning of history so as to destroy mnemosyne, because, as Plato said, “all learning is remembering.” Slavers operate by co-opting the symbolism, and demonizing the sacraments, of the enslaved. Demeter is turned into Zeus. It would have seemed very odd to Jesus, executed by Romans for resisting their military enslavement of Israel, to be told that Constantine, a Roman slaver, represented Jesus. That’s sort of like naming the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs ‘The Geronimo.’ Constantine no more partook of the war shaman Joshua’s actual sacraments than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs partakes of Geronimo’s - however many airplanes he jumps out of.
Industrialization, as Native American war shamans well understood, is largely the process of domestication and infantilization, submission to Augustine’s industrial paterfamilias. Creativity and power are not its necessary results.
The Catholic Bourke thought it was the height of good sense for an Indian to walk away from his or her culture forever and “adopt the sacraments,” as if they had none of their own.
Native American tribal geniuses were devalued right along with their means of creativity and communication. When a literate sensitive like John Neihardt bothered to record the words of a great Sioux shaman like Black Elk, Crazy Horse’s cousin, what is revealed is a powerful healer with uncanny intellectual and spiritual powers. As the ecosphere itself proves, we are in the process of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. The herbs in the elk hide valises, Chiron’s gift to Asklepios, were a gift from the Mother of the Muses, Mnemosyne. We reject gifts from the Earth at our peril.
Bourke’s teacher, Lewis Henry Morgan, insisted that “the institutions of mankind have sprung up in a progressive connected series, each of which represents the result of unconscious reformatory movements to extricate society from existing evils.” As the influential theologist John Fiske, in his 1902 Studies in Religion, put it: “From the general analogies furnished in the process of evolution, we are entitled to hope that, as it approaches its goal and man comes nearer to God, the fact of evil will lapse into a mere memory.” Herbert Spencer’s “Social Darwinism” (Principles of Sociology,1876) left the White man with a hell of a burden. 72
This theocratic interpretation of evolution was as Protestant as it was Catholic, and was held by America’s leading progressive lights. We can, I suppose, call it ‘scientific creationism,’ which, I am distressed to admit, is a force in contemporary Euroamerica. Bellowed Albert Beveridge, one of the Senate’s leading Republicans in 1898: “It is God’s great purpose made manifest in the instincts of the race whose present phase is our personal profit, but whose far-off end is the redemption of the world and the Christianization of mankind!” Sounds contemporary, don’t it? 73
Condescending as he was in victory, Bourke was completely honest, and sickened to the depths of his soul by the rapacity of the culture he fought to defend. “I am a strong Republican in my sentiments and sympathies but candidly concede that years of power had made it corrupt, avaricious and unscrupulous, and it should now be made to stand aside for some new party representing live issues and new principles.” 74
Noticing the health and sharpness of Indian children, Bourke complained, “We have too many stump-tailed monuments to George Washington and other corpses and not enough money spent in providing means of healthy recreation and amusement for our children in the big cities.” 75
In 1877 the Indian Bureau forced the Poncas, 710 people, to move to the Indian Territory in Oklahoma because their Nebraska reservation “unluckily for them, was arable and consequently coveted by the white invader.”(Bourke) Two years later, thanks to exhaustion, malnutrition, malaria and other diseases, the Poncas numbered 430. 76
When Crook was ordered to arrest Poncas peaceably walking back to Nebraska, he arranged lawyers for them and had his own orders challenged in court. The result was a legal landmark: the American Indian “is a person within the meaning of the habeas corpus act” and therefore had full legal rights. 77
Between 1875 and 1880 Crook was preoccupied with the Sioux and Cheyenne in the Dakotas. The Indian Bureau, manipulated by “A ‘ring’ of Federal officials, contractors, and others...formed in Tucson, which exerted great influence in the national capital,” took the opportunity to confiscate all the profitable Apache farmsteads Crook had set up. All the Western Apache groups, many of whom didn’t get along with one another, were then “concentrated” on the San Carlos reservation.
Bourke: “The ‘Tucson ring’ was determined that no Apache should be put to the embarrassment of working for his own living; once let the Apaches become self-supporting, and what would become of ‘the boys’? Therefore, they must all be herded down on the malaria-reeking flats of the San Carlos, where the water is salt and the air poison, and one breathes a mixture of sand-blizzards and more flies than were ever supposed to be under the care of the great fly-god Beelzebub.” The original Apache farmsteads on prime Arizona land were then sold by the Indian Bureau to “the boys.” 78
Lied to, starved and cheated, the Apaches heeded Noch-ay-del-klinne, a White Mountain shaman, who announced the coming resurrection of all Apacheria and the imminent supernatural destruction of the Europeans. Even Apache army scouts were excitedly dancing to call up the Messiah, so his prophet was assassinated by the army in 1881. That, combined with the endemic corruption at San Carlos, was simply more than the Chiricahuas could take.
During the 1883 campaign, despite the help of 200 Apache scouts, Crook was unable to contact Geronimo after a month and a half in the Sierra Madres, although he was able to capture some of his women and children. Several of Geronimo’s warriors later swore that on the day of their capture, Geronimo, 120 miles away, with no physical means of knowing, announced to the whole group that the army had captured their people and that they must go to the rescue. When Geronimo’s party arrived on the scene, the disposition of the small army force was exactly as Geronimo had outlined. 79
Unable to corner him, and uninterested in further warfare, both Crook and Bourke allowed themselves to be taken by Geronimo so as to talk him down without bloodshed. That speaks volumes about the stature of both men. Through the decades quite a few army officers risked their lives or careers to avoid going up against these extraordinary warriors, whom they deeply admired. Below, Crook is seated on the right right, in the pith hat. Bourke is immediately to Crook’s right, looking at Camillus S. Fly’s camera. Geronimo is seated left. His pistoleros ring the 3/26/1886 parlay.
Once on the Turkey Creek reservation near Fort Apache, the Chiricahuas expected the contract made in the Sierras with Crook to be honored: they were to be allowed to develop their sheep herds and to pursue their own entrepreneurial ideas, for which they were famous.
Crook circumvented the cannibalistic military contractors by contracting directly with the Apaches for all the hay, wood, meat, corn, barley, produce, commodities and tools his troops could use, paying them directly in cash. This was a matter of honor with Crook, who did not give his word lightly, but it infuriated the contractors and their allies in the Army and Indian Bureau. Crook’s ultimate objective was full citizenship for the Apaches, complete self-sufficiency and self-government, including the right to vote in general elections. This was an objective the land-grabbing Arizona governor did not share. 80
The corrupt Bureau of Indian Affairs, attached to the Department of the Interior, not the War Department, ignored Crook’s word, insisting that the Apaches give up herding altogether in favor of full-time farming. As Crook repeatedly pointed out, this was an impossibility on the grazing land at Turkey Creek.
Then the straightlaced Crook himself insisted that the Apaches give up tizwin, their favorite brew. This was universally regarded as an outrageous, and uncontractual, personal invasion. Apache paranoia was already at fever pitch due to constant genocidal threats from the Arizona authorities. The arrest of one young man for drinking tizwin only increased it, since he disappeared and wasn’t seen again for months.
Tizwin-making was a trade of shamans, one of whom was the influential Pretty Mouth, a skilled midwife known to have powers from the lion and the lightning, Bourke’s Apache interpreter. She convinced her husband Mangus to join Geronimo in yet another outbreak, thus ruining the whole peaceful arrangement. 81 In 1885 Crook once again found himself in the field against Geronimo, whose few troops were succeeding in completely destroying Crook’s political credibility in Arizona. With less than a dozen warriors, Ulzana covered 1200 miles through New Mexico and Arizona, killing 38 people, stealing and using up 250 horses, riding circles around thousands of troops, engaging in scores of close firefights, and returning to Mexico with the loss of only one man.
An Apache scout told Crook that they “could never catch the Chiricahuas because they could hide like coyotes and could smell danger a long way off like wild animals.” They could also travel forty to eighty miles a day through the desert and broken precipices of the Sierra Madres under the blazing sun with little or no water: “No civilized army can do that,” noted Bourke. 82 83
Ulzana, of course, left the field free for the advocates of wholesale deportation. Crook, pictured in Fly’s famous photo above, desperately tried to talk Geronimo into another peaceful surrender - before the Apaches were left to the tender mercies of Brig. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, a politically ambitious racist murderer. The meeting failed for both Crook and Geronimo.
Gen. Miles replaced the politically defeated Crook in the field. Miles was utterly stymied and outfought by Geronimo, and eventually sent in an officer Geronimo knew with a generous deal. Miles thought nothing of breaking his word, and as soon as Geronimo came in, he packed him and all the Chiricahuas, including his own and Crook’s scouts, off to twenty years imprisonment in Florida. For the first few years the men were separated from their women and children. Both Bourke and Crook worked hard until their deaths, in the 1890s, to free the Chiricahuas. Bourke called Army Apache policy “the quintessence of idiocy; poppycock sublimed into madness.” 84
By the mid-1880s the Bureau of Indian Affairs had grown into a bureaucracy employing more than 2500 people, managing, with the help of the army, 250,000 Indians on 187 reservations. The tribes had been stripped of the right to negotiate further treaties, and the chiefs were deprived of all legal power in favor of BIA courts. Rations were distributed to individual families rather than to the tribal organization, and Indians were legally subjected to White mores, the criminalization of polygamy, for instance. 85
The young were separated from their tribe and forced to attend trade schools, usually for nine months of the year. Most of those 200 boarding schools were run by churches or missionaries under government contract. The militaristic discipline, when not actually inhuman, was often quite harsh and unloving. Five and six year-olds, forced to separate from their families for most of the year, were marched around in uniform as if they were prisoners of war. They weren’t even allowed to speak their own language among themselves. The objective, obviously, was cultural genocide. Even on the reservations, at the trading posts, if the adults didn’t order in English, they didn’t order. White dress and hairstyles were mandated. All shamanic rites, including sweat lodge and Sun Dance ceremonies, were prohibited by law and interrupted by the rudest personal intervention. 86.
Geronimo and Crook, 1885
Crook is seated second from right, in the pith hat. Bourke is immediately to Crook’s right, looking at Camillus S. Fly’s camera. Geronimo is seated left. His pistoleros ring the 3/26/1886 parlay.
Below, Geronimo in the Sierra Madre; Camillus S. Fly, 3/1886
The General Allotment Act of 1887 broke up the tribally-held reservations into family plots of 160 acres each, the ‘surplus’ land to be sold to settlers. The Sioux Act of 1888 carved up the Great Sioux Reservation into six small units: Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Cheyenne, Standing Rock, Crow Creek and Lower Brulé. Since the agencies contained just enough land to allot as farmsteads to the existing families, this device left 9 million ‘surplus’ acres the Sioux didn’t need anymore, which was sold to speculators at $1.25 an acre. In 1889 the beef rations were cut by several million pounds. Said Red Cloud, “We were prisoners, not in the hands of the army, but in the hands of robbers.” 87
1890 was yet another winter of hunger and bitter disappointment, to which measles, influenza and whooping cough added grief. The hunt and warfare were no more. The buffalo, the Sun Dance and the First Hunt were no more. Tribal elders were stripped of their power, and the traditional collective rites mercilessly suppressed. The medicine societies broke down as kinship ties disintegrated under the pass system, which prohibited traveling for visits.
Said Hunkpapa war shaman Sitting Bull, “The life of White men is slavery. They are prisoners in towns or farms. The life my people want is a life of freedom. I see nothing that a White man has, houses or railways or clothing or food, that is as good as the right to move in the open country, and live in our own fashion.” 88
It is ironic that an 1872 photograph of a Hunkpapa Lakota, a look-alike and relative of Sitting Bull, the strikingly handsome Running Antelope, was used as the frontispiece of the 1899 five dollar bill. Many turn-of-the-century stamps and coins were stamped with Native faces. 89
Emissaries were sent to the Paiute prophet Wovoka (Cutter), in Nevada, who prescribed the Ghost Dance of Resurrection for all Indians in preparation for the Messiah, who would cause a thick layer of fresh soil to cover the earth, burying the White world beneath a sea of sweet grass, tall trees, edible herbs, buffalo and game. All those who “made ready to join the ghosts” would be lifted up to watch the Earthly Resurrection and then set down to join their ancestors and loved ones lost in the wars. Prayer-trees and medicine lodges sprang up on camp grounds throughout the Sioux lands as thousands danced and sang for hours, days, weeks, months. Indians forgot to cut their hair, to speak English, to go to church, to till their fields; the authorities panicked.
Sitting Bull predicted a warm winter that would enable his people to dance until Spring, the time of the expected Resurrection. General Miles issued orders to the Standing Rock agent to arrest Sitting Bull, who died in the ensuing firefight. On hearing of the death of Sitting Bull, Big Foot’s band of 350 Minneconjou dancers, gathered at Cherry Creek, quickly broke camp and headed for the protection of Red Cloud at Pine Ridge. Before they could reach the agency they were overtaken by Custer’s old unit, elements of the Seventh Cavalry, led by officers Big Foot himself had humiliated at Little Bighorn. The tense Minneconjous were politely herded to Wounded Knee Creek, disarmed and counted: 230 women and children, 120 men
About seventy Minneconjous survived, some because Black Elk, then 27 years old, led a party out while the shooting was still going on and scooped up the little ones. Custer was avenged in an action that was typical of him: he did the same thing to Black Kettle’s band of Southern Cheyenne on the Washita in 1867. It was Custer’s commanding officer on that occasion, General Philip Sheridan, who told the captive Tosawi of the Comanches, who had protested that he was a good Indian: “The only good Indians I ever saw were dead.” 91 92
Mooney’s photo of Arapaho Ghost Dancers on the Cheyenne/Arapaho reservation, Oklahoma, 1891
Quanah, flying with the eagle on the Kiowa-Comanche reservation in Oklahoma, 1892; Smithsonian Institution; Tosawi’s kin, the famous Kiowa peyotist Two Hatchet, at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, 10/1898. He holds the ceremonial rattle and feather (Adolph F. Muhr)
Like Two Hatchet, the Comanche war shaman Quanah Parker found a more successful path: “Lay down your arms, Quanah Parker. Your solution, as is the solution of all creatures, is personal. Turn your energies toward conquering the self.... Only through this will you and your people have a freedom that exceeds the white man’s.”
“I have planted my flesh in the cactus Pioniyo. Partake of it, as it is the food of your soul. Through it you will continue to communicate with Me. When all of those with the skin of red-earth clay are united by pioniyo, then and only then will they once again reign supreme. The white civilization will destroy themselves and the Indian will return to nature, master over himself and at peace with all.” 1
Péyotl is Náhuatl, Aztec, for ‘furry thing,’ used to describe a ‘cocoon,’ which is simply a description of the shape of the tuberous cactus, Lophophora williamsii, which is sliced to make the ‘buttons.’ The ancient Huichol First Hunt equates Peyote, Deer and Maize, the ecstatic ingestion of the ‘hunted’ cactus unifying the world, bringing back the First Times. 23
This book is largelyThis book is largelyPeyote had always been used as a pain killer, febrifuge and hypnotic in healing ceremonies. Bourke reported in the Journal of American Folk-Lore in 1894 that army surgeons used it for those purposes when he was on duty. In 1978 Bruhn subjected thousand year-old peyote buttons found in a Southwest ritual site to chemical analysis, yielding mescaline, anhalonine, lophophorine, pellotine and anhalonidine. 4
Indian shamans had Claviceps purpurea, the barley or rye mold sacred at Eleusis, Amanita muscaria, the Soma mushroom of the Rg Veda, Sophorasecundiflora, the mescal beans of the shrub, the related Erythrina flabelliformis, the Arizona coral tree, Sanguinaria canadensis, bloodroot or puccoon, sharing opium alkaloids, datura, lobelia, morning glories, orchids, mushrooms and on and on. They taught 19th century western medicine most of what it knew about nervines, sedatives, tranquilizers, mood elevators and entheogens.
R.E. Schultes in Nature, 10/42 & 9/37
Quanah, Two Hatchet and the other leaders quietly resurrected the ancient shamanism, formalizing and communalizing the traditional peyote ceremony, making it an intertribal movement in the new post-tribal era. The peyote ceremony is an aesthetic all night vigil in which the communicants, after eating as many of the sacramental cactus buttons as they please, call on Peyote Woman to help them sing their spirit songs. Below, Peyote Woman nourishes the Earth. 5
The songs are sung in rotation, and then each communicant withdraws into deep contemplation, vision and revelation. Explained Quanah: “The White man goes into his church and talks about Jesus; the Indian goes into his teepee and talks to Jesus.” As the Gospel of Philip put it, 1700 years previously: “You saw the spirit, you became spirit. You saw Christ, you became Christ…. For this person is no longer a Christian, but a Christ.” 6
The Gnostic teacher Valentinus said that the search for gnosis begins with three sufferings: “terror, pain, and roadlessness (aporia).” Magpie said: “Other religions teach men what to believe, but in this religion each man learns truth for himself. God has given the mescal to man that through it man might know. There is a word that comes at the end of the mescal songs and that word means ‘the road.’ Each man’s road is shown to him within his own heart. When he eats the mescal he sees the road; he knows; he sees all the truths of life and of the spirit.” 7 8
The mescal, “sweet medicine,” (not the bean or the alcoholic beverage of the same name) is the “balsam” of the Gnostics, though, of course, they used different “plants of truth.” (Dead Sea Scroll, Thanksgiving Hymn, found at Qumran, c.50 BCE.) A spontaneous Huichol peyote song, sung in a ceremony, goes like this: “climbed the blue staircase up to the sky/climbed where the roses were opening, where roses were speaking/heard nothing, nothing to hear, heard silence/I climbed where the roses were singing, where the gods were waiting, blue staircase up in the sky/but heard nothing, nothing to hear, heard silence, silence.” Many peyote songs are uncannily similar to the ecstatic poetry found in the shamanic Gnostic Judeo-Christian Nag Hammadi manuscripts, which date from 100 to 300 CE. 9 10
Peyote contains numerous psychoactive alkaloids, more than thirty, with mescaline accounting for 30% of the total alkaloid content. But ‘addiction’ to peyote is medically unknown. Norepinephrine, the cerebrospinal neurotransmitter, is also a phenylethylamine derivative, very closely related to mescaline. By blocking norepinephrine receptors, commonly prescribed beta blockers combat anxiety and high blood pressure. Coca, cocaine and the amphetamines enhance both norepinephrine and dopamine reception.
Freud, who was fascinated by the uses of coca and cocaine, consciously based his invention of modern psychopharmacology on traditional shamanism. The neurotransmitter dopamine induces euphoria, epinephrine (adrenaline) speeds up the autonomic nervous system, and GABA functions as a downer. Of the eleven undisputed neurotransmitters so far identified, most are either chemical or functional copies of plant compounds with which the primates share their evolution. 11 12
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix in Psychedelic Review #9, 1967
‘Communing with the vegetal source,’ or ‘visiting Peyote Woman’ is neither a poetic metaphor nor a fantasy of babbling B-movie extras. It is a profound psychoanthropological reality. We eat vegetables to live because there is no difference between vegetal and human biochemistry - the vegetal world is literally our biological Mother. Just as all preindustrial cultures insist, sacramental herbs are, to quote the Dead Sea scroll found at Qumran, the “Plants of Truth.” Wine, a very ancient herbal inebriant, really is the Blood of Christ, just as Cretan flower wine, a tincture of entheogenic herbs, was the Blood of Dionysos, 2000 years before Christ. 13
Serotonin, an essential neurotransmitter shown to be basic to the brain’s ability to produce imagery, is a tryptamine derivative, structurally related to the mushroom alkaloid psilocybin and the related semisynthetic LSD. The FDA-approved mood-enhancer Prozac works by gently blocking the reabsorption of serotonin, thereby increasing serotonin levels in the synapses. That is simply classic herbal shamanism. Coca leaf, the premier sacrament of Andean culture, works the same way with dopamine, and just as gently. 14
The body’s basic painkillers are a family of peptides known as endorphins, which is short for endogenous morphines. They cluster in various parts of the brain and spinal cord, and are designed to interact with human neuroreceptors. They have structural similarities to opiate alkaloids. Mammalian bodies produce morphine, codeine and thebaine, all found in opium poppies. 15 16
Of course, opium has more than three dozen alkaloids, including morphine, the most prevalent, and the body can do better than that. This is a complex and technical biochemical mystery, but there is no doubt that the body produces opiate alkaloids, including some virtually identical to morphine and codeine, and that these bond to the brain’s chemically-specific opiate receptor mechanisms. 17
Peyote produces a dreamlike hallucinatory state lasting from five to twelve hours. So far from being stultifying, the musical rhythm maintained in the peyote rite is very fast, 130-160 beats per minute. Everyone takes turns singing, drumming and rattling, and all pride themselves on the subtlety and accuracy of their musical performance.
By 1920 Peyotism was the dominant intertribal religious movement from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes. Because the religion is shamanic, it attracted traditional Indians; because it is syncretistic, adopting compatible White values such as sobriety and industry, it attracted acculturated and marginal Indians as well, providing social roles compatible with the new way of life. As an Onondaga shaman, a well-known musician, told me, “They did us a favor by isolating us that way. It helped us to preserve our traditions, which we never ceased to practice in private.” 18
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix in Psychedelic Review #9, 1967
In 1888 an Indian Bureau agent named Clark reported this to the central office in Washington, calling peyote “Wokwave,” which is close to the generic Comanche word for cactus. “Four or five years ago, a Mexican, named Titcheestoque or Chewowwah, having been a captive of the Commanches and under their training having become equal to them in savage warfare escaped punishment by remaining with the Apaches in New Mexico. He returned to this reservation [Kiowa, Comanche and Wichita] during P.B. Hunt’s term of office [1878-85], bringing with him quite a sack full of these opium buttons as I call them, and traded them to the Comanches.” 19 “The Indian is supersticious by education. The influence of the Wokwave upon them I think is similar to that of large doses of chloral hydrate. It throws a person into a kind of trans, delema or like a dream, seeing or imagining all kinds of things. These visions, after the spell is passed off and the Indian sobers up, he does not consider his mental condition, but he thinks that all he saw and heard while in this condition is reality and that these things were communicated to him through the Wokwave and that they came direct from the Great Spirit.” 20
An 1890 BIA directive continued the tradition of pharmacological lucidity so brilliantly established by agent Clark: “It is the duty of the government peremptorily to stop the use of this bean [confusing the bean with the cactus] by the Indians. You will direct the police of your agency to seize and destroy the mescal bean, or any preparation or decoction thereof, wherever found on the reservation. The article itself, and those who use it are to be treated exactly as if it were alcohol or whiskey, or a compound thereof; in fact it may be classified for all practical purposes as an ‘intoxicating liquor.’”
In 1908 the BIA sent ’Pussyfoot’ Johnson, below, Chief Special Officer, Suppression of Liquor Traffic Among Indians, later a famous Anti-Saloon League spokesman, to Webb County in Texas, the national distribution center for peyote. Johnson bought and destroyed all the peyote on the market and threatened reprisals if dealers continued the trade in his absence. He also worked out informal, and illegal, agreements with the post office and mail order companies to refuse to ship it, and ordered customs to seize it at the Mexican border.
In a 1908 letter to the Secretary of the Interior, who was the head of the BIA, W.C. Roe of the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions complained: “One of the worst results of its use is that it erects a very strong barrier in the way of the presentation of the Christian religion to any tribe that has adopted its use, and is an attempt on the part of the more enlightened of the Indians to establish a racial and tribal religion as against what they call the white man’s religion.... I have been told repeatedly by those who have given up the practice that the so-called ‘mescal feasts’ were often scenes of unbridled libertinism.” 21
Pussyfoot Johnson
Rome’s early Christian ‘love feasts’ faced similar caricature under Septimius Severus: “It is reported that they worship the genitals of their pontiff and priest, adoring, it appears, the sex of their ‘father.’ ...the baby is killed... It is the blood of this infant...that they lick with thirsty lips.... On a special day they gather for a feast with all their children, sisters, mothers - all sexes and all ages. There, flushed with the banquet after such feasting and drinking, they begin to burn with incestuous passions.... By this means the light is overturned and extinguished, and with it common knowledge of their actions; in the shameless dark with unspeakable lust they copulate in random unions, all equally being guilty of incest...” 22
The Rt. Reverend William Hughes reflected in Commonweal that “Every Catholic Indian missionary who has observed the effects of the drug has agreed with the statement of the Jesuit Father Jose Ortega, who, in 1754, wrote in his account of the Indians of the Nayarit that peyote is a ‘raiz diabolica,’ a diabolical root.”
“In a handbook published in 1760 by Father Bartholome García for the use of the Franciscan missionaries to the Indians of San Antonio, Texas, appear the following significant questions for examination of conscience of Indians: ‘Have you eaten human flesh?’ ‘Have you eaten peyote?’”
“In a very true sense the latter was worse than the former, be cause to eat the drug habitually was to destroy oneself, physically, mentally and morally.” 23
Padre García was using the standard inquisitorial rap; about a hundred years earlier Padre Nicolas de Leon was asking: “Art thou a soothsayer? Dost thou foretell events by reading omens, interpreting dreams, or by tracing circles and figures on water? Dost thou garnish with flowers the places where idols are kept? Dost thou suck the blood of others? Dost thou wander about at night, calling upon demons to help thee? Hast thou drunk peyotl, or given it to others to drink, in order to discover secrets, or to discover where stolen or lost articles were?” In Mexico City, on 6/19/1620, the Inquisition formally denounced peyote use as “opposed to the purity and sincerity of our Holy Catholic Faith.” The next 250 years saw at least 90 autos de fe for peyote use. 24
As the Malleus Maleficarum of 1487, the official legal and torture handbook of the Inquisition, put it: “Of Three Ways in which Men and not Women may be Discovered to be Addicted to Witchcraft...First of the Witchcraft of Archers....on the Sacred Day of the Passion of Our Lord, that is to say, on Good Friday, as it is called, during the solemnization of the Mass of the Presanctified they shoot with arrows, as at a target, at the most sacred image of the Crucifix. Oh, the cruelty and injury to the Saviour!” Any sacrament other than the “presanctified” Host was “demonic.” The intractable Incan shamans answered by applying that word, Hostia, to coca leaves. 25 26 27 28
Peyote ceremony, Scientific American, 9/1943
The ‘progressive’ Journal of the American Medical Association continued to demonstrate that there really was no difference between science and religion: “Missionary workers in the Southwest are becoming seriously concerned over the spreading use of mescal buttons whether called peyote or by other name. In many Indian reservations, practically all the adults are addicted to the use of this agent. Commonly the buttons are chewed, but a tea is also brewed.”
“Certain Sons of Belial [Judges:19:22], taking advantage of the tendency of the Indians to religious ceremonial, have been industriously spreading the word among the tribes that partaking of peyote enables the addict to communicate with the Great Spirit. It is true that certain Mexican tribes have long had a superstitious reverence for mescal buttons and have used them on occasion in religious ceremonials; and this old superstition gave the commercial dope vendor a great opportunity among the Indians in the United States. This has been carried so far that the ‘Peyote Church’ has actually been incorporated, the members being devotees, who gather for an orgy of frenzy, far worse than the cocain parties held among the negroes.”
“The government has investigated the use of peyote and found its evil effects to parallel the Oriental use of cannabis. The addict becomes indolent, immoral and worthless. The great difficulty in suppressing this habit among the Indians arises from the fact that the commercial interests involved in the peyote traffic are strongly entrenched, and they exploit the Indian, even as similar interests exploiting morphin addicts are strongly entrenched. Added to this is the superstition of the Indian who believes in the Peyote Church. As soon as an effort is made to suppress peyote, the cry is raised that it is unconstitutional to do so and is an invasion of religious liberty. Suppose the negroes of the South had a Cocain Church!” That is, a prison is a reservation for niggers, and a reservation is a prison for red niggers. 29
The 1589 pamphlet showing the hanging of the Chelmsford witches, below, succinctly put it in almost exactly the same terms as the JAMA, and for the same reason: the ‘witches’ were midwives threatening the ecclesio-commercial medical monopoly: “Three feminine dames attached were,/Whom Satan did infect/With Belial’s spirit, whose sorcery did/The simple so molest.” 30
The NY Times, 1/14/1923
The New York Times reported “INDIAN’S DREAM DIET REVEALED IN SENATE/Members Hear Peyote Flower Has a ‘Kick’ and Produces a ‘Beautiful State of Mind’/ITS SUPPRESSION DEBATED.”31 To help the Senators in their deliberations The Times followed up with the article above, “Cult of Death.” 31 32
The USDA’s Harvey Wiley, author of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, told the Senate: “It’s a drug addiction, pure and simple.” But the BIA had badly underestimated the effect of the Indians’ religious arguments on Congress. The Smithsonian’s Bureau of American Ethnology, led by James Mooney, told Congress that peyotists were famous for their sobriety, moral rectitude and enterprise. Complained Mooney: “From the beginning it has been condemned without agency physician, post surgeon, missionary, or teacher - with a single exception - has ever tested the plant or witnessed the ceremony.” Congress saw no practical reason to suppress peyote. 33
One of the most disturbing revelations of the inquiry into Wounded Knee had been the fact that an agent sent to investigate was ignored when he warned, weeks before the massacre: “If the Seventh-Day Adventists prepare their ascension robes for the second coming of the Savior, the United States Army is not put in motion to prevent them. Why should not the Indians have the same privilege? If the troops remain, trouble is sure to come.” Progressive opinion would not tolerate any more violence aimed at the Indians, so the BIA had to drop its peyote suppression campaign “on instructions from Washington.” 3435
The BIA thanked Mooney by expelling him from some of the reservations and continued its attempt to have peyote criminalized. But the racist precedent had been established that members of the Native American Church, legally incorporated in 1918 thanks to Mooney, either by virtue of their ethnarchy or simply by virtue of their ekklesia, could partake of peyote. Non-Indians however, if caught with peyote, could, since 1970, be sentenced to as much as fifteen years in prison, since peyote was listed in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act as one of the most “dangerous” “drugs.” Today the Native American Church is the most influential and widespread form of Pan-Indianism in America, counting 300,000 members.
James Mooney at Keam’s Canyon Navaho trading post in Arizona, 1892; Flathead mother, with a cradle on her pommel, and daughter, 1900
A Siberian shaman, Asia, 1925, and Ulrich Molitor’s caricature, 1489
All illness may not literally be an alienation of the soul, but alienation of the soul is always an illness. The Church’s medieval demons were animals who had lost their forest, projections of people grasping for their own roots in the earth, their own tribal memory. Ecstatic shamans, female and male, were able to unite the sexes, to bring back the first times, to make the world whole again. Theirs was powerful primal therapy. 1 2 3
The Church wanted to exorcise the demonized animals, but the curanderas wanted to bring back the forest. In all pre-industrial cultures, medicine and religion are a unity, inseparable, just as ‘medicine’ is considered a specialized type of food, “the food of your soul” as Quanah put it. These attitudes are instinctive; who ever heard of prohibiting food? If painkillers are illegal, doesn’t that mean that pain is illegal? Who ever heard of criminalizing pain?
In Germany and Scotland, in the sixteenth century, midwives were burned alive for easing the pain of childbirth. The ostensible reason was that the pain was God’s punishment for Original Sin, and so to interfere with it was heretical, causing great pain and hurt to Our Saviour (fascism is always maudlin). The real reason was that these shamans challenged the psycho-medical monopoly of the military-industrial theocracy, the slaver definition of people.
Puritan Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts plainly asserted as much in 1648, explaining why Margaret Jones had to be hanged: “she practising physic, and her medicines being such things as (by her own confession) were harmless, as aniseed, liquors, etc., yet had extraordinarily violent effects.” Other accusations included an understanding “beyond the apprehension of all physicians and surgeons” and “some things which she foretold came to pass accordingly; other things she could tell of (as secret speeches, etc.) which she had not ordinary means to come to the knowledge of.” She sounds like a powerful shaman. 4
Susan Starr Sered, in Priestess, Mother, Sacred Sister:Religions Dominated By Women, discusses the contemporary religion of the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, Burmese Nat religion, Korean shamanism, Northern Thai matrilineal cults, West African Sande, Afro-Brazilian religions, Black Carib religion and North African Zar. All of these contemporary religions represent the more ancient cultural stratum and all are shamanic.
Even in circumstances of patriarchal conquest, women, because of their biological role as creators and primary childcare providers, tend to preserve the ancient shamanism, the ancient herbal medicine, as an aspect of their psychic wholeness, their evolutionary birthright. Women remember pre-industrial herbal shamanism more naturally, preserve it more easily, and so are the necessary last target of industrial cultural genocide - hence the Inquisition, which numbers women, especially midwives, as the overwhelming majority of its victims.
Late medieval Church-licensed male physicians, completely out of touch with the vast body of accumulated wisdom of the curanderas, would insert a ‘baptismal syringe’ up the birth canal if it looked like the baby was going to die in utero. Native American curanderas had no military-industrial complex and no doctrine of original sin, and the reputation, at least, according to Professor Vogel, of rarely losing their babies in utero. 5
When the settlers called the Indians “the ten lost tribes of Israel,” they usually meant that they reminded them of practical knowledge and powers long forgotten. Dr. Stone established that most Indians practiced Credé’s method of expelling the placenta at least a century before Credé published it. Dr. Engelmann, in 1883, described massage and manipulation techniques for the expulsion of the baby and the afterbirth that were just beginning to be adopted by White medicine: “Although constantly practiced by primitive people for thousands of years, these methods have been recently rediscovered by learned men, clothed in scientific principle, and given to the world as new.” 67
The Alabama-Koasatis induced contractions with boiled cotton roots. The Zunis eased labor with ergot. The Meskwakis used a decoction of wild yam root for the same purpose, and trillium was widely used to ease hemorrhage and promote parturition. All these ancient techniques became official in White medicine for the same purposes.
Indian mechanical tricks, both during and after birth, were sophisticated. Indian midwives understood infant medicine, and could herbally manipulate menstruation, lactation, conception and abortion. The Arikaras used chokecherry and mallow to stem postpartum hemorrhage. Red baneberry was used to dissolve blood clots and heal inflammation of the breast, and various herbs were used to eliminate the afterbirth. Most of today’s birth control pills use diosgenin, from the Mexican wild yam, which also yields cortisone; it was a basic of the Aztec armamentarium. 8
“Pregnancy,” declared Dr. John Vaughan of Delaware, was “a diseased state” requiring - guess what - bleeding, emetics and cathartics, that is, chemical poisons. That was the overwhelming regular medical opinion taught in the schools and advocated by the leading regular physicians of the first half of the nineteenth century. 9
In 1848 the Transactions of the American Medical Association reported that “a very large proportion of regularly educated physicians are almost wholly ignorant of the plants, whether medicinal or non-medicinal, which exist in their own immediate localities.” 10
Dr. Evory Kennedy, in the Lying-In Hospital in Dublin, prescribed ‘tartar emetic,’ antimony and potassium, for hundreds of women as a substitute for the official ergot to “relax the pelvic muscles,” which it did by causing violent vomiting, something no midwife in her right mind would ever consider. It also, incidentally, poisoned the baby and prolonged the labor, the exact opposite of what ergot does. Kennedy’s procedures were brought across the Atlantic. 11
Due to the lack of aseptic conditions in many hospitals, something called “childbed fever,” rare in home births, killed thousands of infants. Semmelweiss demonstrated in the 1860s that this was due to the exposure of the newborns to the contagious diseases in the hospital, but asepsis and segregation weren’t effectively practiced in most hospitals until the 1900s. There were some famous exceptions, like New York Maternity Hospital, but well into the twentieth century many hospitals treated new mothers to a high incidence of infant death and serious uterine infections. 12
Regular hospitals frequently used general anesthesia, which often proved damaging or fatal to the baby, and powerful sedatives, which interrupted the rhythm of contractions. Violent intravenous spasmodics, such as the now discredited ergotoxine, were then used when it became convenient to hasten delivery. If given to an undilated cervix, ergotoxine, or for that matter ergot, can crush the baby and rupture the uterus, as often happened. Improperly used forceps often left permanent marks and even did brain damage. Regular hospitals to this day have a very high rate of unnecessary caesarians, an extreme trauma. The list of invasive hospital practices which horrified experienced midwives is a long one, including cutting the biologically active umbilical cord immediately on delivery and separating the newborn from the mother. 13
In the mid-nineteenth century Black women attended by midwives had a lower rate of infant death than White women attended by physicians. In the 1860s the Viennese department of obstetrics at the University Hospital reported a death rate of 100 per thousand for its regular physicians, and 34 per thousand for the School for Midwives, in the same building; women literally begged in tears not to be sent into the regular obstetrical ward. Midwives at the Royal Maternity Charity in England suffered only 4 deaths in 3,666 deliveries in 1872. 14 15
In 1909 physicians were responsible for 71% of the deaths from puerperal sepsis in Manhattan. Dr. Lobenstine, in 1911, said: “The poorly trained physician does far more harm than the midwife, as is abundantly shown various hospital records as well as by the records of the Board of Health.” Most experienced midwives had a far higher percentage of successful deliveries than most hospitals, and many people knew it. 16
Tartar emetic - the chemical poisons antimony and potassium - continued wildly popular as a diaphoretic and emetic among some regular physicians, in that anyone who took it broke out in a cold sweat and started puking. The pustular eruptions that broke out all over the body were said to be a sign of healing. Because children were known to survive higher fevers than adults, some regular physicians reasoned that they required higher doses of their other favorite poison, calomel, that is, mercury and chlorine. 18
In 1859 a regular doctor in the St.Louis Medical Journal proudly boasted that he had drawn more than one hundred barrels of blood in his career. Physicians who didn’t believe in copious bleeding often resorted to the more economical leeching. In the late 1890s Levene established experimentally that bleeding shortens the life of the patient. Nonetheless, bleeding remained regular practice until the twentieth century; it was official in Osler’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, a basic textbook in 1912. At that time Dr. Bedford Fenwick of the London Hospital for Women used bleeding in more than a thousand gynecological cases. The motto of many regulars was “Bleed, blister, puke, purge and salivate.” 19 20 21 22 23
The very worst of the patent medicines contained the metallic and mineral poisons that were, or had been, official with the regular doctors, per Dr. Rush. These included Chloro-Phosphide of Arsenic, Sulphur Compound Lozenges and Storey’s [calomel] Worm Cakes. De Valagin’s Mineral Solution was arsenious acid in dilute hydrochloric acid, and Donovan’s was iodide of arsenic and mercury; strychnine was also popular. 24
In 1863 the AMA stopped the Surgeon General from striking mercury from the pharmacopeia, citing eclectic and homeopathic prejudice. As late as 1885, the Index-Catalogue of the Surgeon-General’s Office listed “cures” for rabies that included hydrochloric acid, hydrocyanic acid, lead acetate, mercury and potassium cyanide. Arsenic poisoning (from the patent medicine Fowler’s Solution and others) was called “chronic dyspepsia” and “neurasthenia.” In 1906 Abbot’s Alkaloidal Digest recommended arsenic for 51 diseases. 25
Obviously, the best of the regular physicians, and there were many, bitterly opposed bleeding and poisoning. Robert Bentley Todd, in the 1850s, treated his patients to the traditional roast beef, brandy and opium, without the poison, and no doubt did a great deal of good, but not nearly as much as an experienced herbalist could do. Bleeding and poisoning lost ground as American pharmacology became more sophisticated, and that sophistication was due largely to Native American herbalism, popularized over-the-counter. As Bourke’s old comrade Buffalo Bill proved, the reputation and mystique of Native America was worth a fortune back East.
Bill with Sitting Bull, who liked the medicine-show man – 1885
Indian healers, or those who had known Indian healers, or those who had known those who had known Indian healers, or those who concocted Indian concoctions, were in great demand. Over the counter there was Pocahontas Bitters, War Paint Ointment, Comanche Blood Syrup, Zuni Stomach Renovator, Modoc Oil, Seminole Cough Balsam, Nez Percé Catarrh Snuff, Ka-ton-ka - the great Indian Medicine, Hiawatha Hair Restorer, Donald McKay’s Indian Worm Eradicator, Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills, Indian Balsam of Liverwort, Osgood’s Indian Chollogue and Kickapoo Indian Salve.
Doc Healy and Texas Charlie Bigelow’s Indian Medicine Company, in the 1880s, had seventy-five Indian stage shows on the road at one time. They peddled Kickapoo Oil, Kickapoo Salve, Kickapoo Cough Cure and Indian Prairie Plant for Female Complaints. 26
Today’s prohibitionist cliché is that this was all bunk, an empty hustle. The actual fact is that many of these patent medicines were sophisticated herbal recipes. Kickapoo Oil was a masterpiece of composition; it contained ether, camphor, capsicum, clove oil, sassafras oil and myrrh. It smelled sweet, tingled going on, felt hot, and got you good and happy, which is the best, usually, that the regular docs could do with most complaints; the soothing salve did a lot more good than harm. 27
In these days before regulation, of course, many patent medicines were worse than useless, especially those containing the chemical poisons of the regulars. Few of the herbal medicines were dangerous, but virtually all made absurd claims and refused to reveal their ingredients.
‘Patent medicine’ was an epithet of the prohibitionists. Since in order to patent a formula it was necessary to reveal it to the patent office, an agency not famous for its ability to keep trade secrets, most proprietaries simply ‘patented’ their trademarks. ‘Patent medicine’ is still very much with us: Midol, Doan’s Pills and Bromo-Selzer were three turn-of-the-century standbys, and all over-the-counter cold remedies, painkillers, sleep aids and topical anesthetics are proprietary medicines; the only difference is content disclosure.
Most physicians prescribed the same standard antiseptics, pain killers, fever reducers and herbal specifics prescribed by most druggists, midwives and herbalists. A sophisticated herbalist or midwife was a match for all but the greatest of physicians, and all the great physicians were sophisticated herbalists.
The most popular patent medicines were of the most effective herbs. These included opium, cannabis, coca, mandrake, belladonna, henbane, datura, foxglove, lobelia, trillium, sassafras, black cohosh, skullcap, bloodroot and the many herbs called snakeroot. Soporifics like chloral hydrate (‘Mickey Finn’ - currently official as a sleep aid), ether and chloroform were also popular. Organized medicine positively drooled over the thought of a legal monopoly on all that, and the absurd claims of so many proprietaries, and their refusal to reveal their formulas, made it possible.
Wyeth’s recurring ad, American Journal of Pharmacy, 1890s
Bourke’s favorite, Paine’s Celery Compound, contained hops and coca leaves diffused in 21% alcohol. I don’t know what was in it, but I particularly like the sound of Dr. Redwing’s Mexican Herbs of Joy. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, opiates diffused in 44% alcohol, was the official battlefield ration of the Union Army. The Southerners had Black Draught, fermented caffeine-rich cassina berries spiked with grain alcohol. The carton pictured a White woman standing next to a kneeling Indian maid, who pointed to a tall plant and said, “Take and Be Healed - The Great Spirit Planted It.” 28
In 1820 quinine was isolated from cinchona bark, also called Peruvian bark. Until WW II it was the only effective treatment for malaria, one of America’s most common epidemic diseases. Its list of official uses in the 1918 U.S. Dispensatory covers “a large variety of purposes,” including analgesia and local anesthesia, but its basic use was as one of the most effective febrifuges known, and as a malaria specific
In 1832 Dr. John Sappington put his carefully manufactured ‘Anti-Fever Pills’ on the market, composed of quinine sulphate, licorice, myrrh and oil of sassafras. Quinine was official as a specific for malaria. Licorice was official in all pharmacopeias as a cough remedy, myrrh as a stimulant tonic and sassafras as aromatic flavoring that promoted perspiration. Sappington’s army of drummers sold his pills, famous for their effectiveness, all over the country, marching straight into the most dangerous epidemic areas. When an area was hit by malaria, Sappington’s drummers hit the area, taking three of his pills daily for protection; over the course of decades not one of them ever contracted the disease. His pills became an American standby, and were accepted as the official malaria treatment when Sappington formally presented his paper on the Theory and Treatment of Fever. That, at its best, was patent medicine. 29
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, another bestseller, contained an alcoholic extract (10%) of buchu, peppermint, rhubarb, mandrake, cape aloes, scullcap, colombo root, goldenseal, valerian, sassafras, cinnamon, oil of juniper, oil of birch, capiaba and tolu. All official or semiofficial and a hell of an all-around tonic. 30
The most famous of the bracers was Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound For Female Complaints. Due to constant advertising and massive sales, it was said that, aside from Queen Victoria, Lydia Pinkham was the most famous woman of the nineteenth century.
Although a commercial superstar in later life, Lydia did indeed originally compound her compound on her Massachusetts farm. Her formula, diffused in 18% alcohol, included gentian, black cohosh, unicorn root, liferoot, pleurisy root, dandelion, chamomile, licorice and Jamaica dogwood. 31
Gentian was used by the Indians for debility and stomach upset, and was official in the USP from 1820-1955. Black cohosh (squaw root or black snakeroot) was an Indian standard for irregular menstruation and was official in the USP from 1820-1936. Unicorn root (star root) was official in the USP from 1820-73 and in the NF from 1916-47 for stomach troubles and was used as a poultice for sore breasts. Liferoot (squaw weed, golden ragwort) was official in the NF from 1916-36, and was used by the Indians as an emmenagogue and to hasten delivery. Pleurisy root (butterfly weed) was official in the USP from 1820-1905 as a diaphoretic and expectorant, and was used by the Indians for colic, hysteria and hemorrhage. Dandelion was official in the USP from 1831-1926 as a diuretic, tonic and laxative. Chamomile was official in the USP from 1863-1926 as a nervine, sedative and antispasmodic. Licorice is a tonic sweet herb that reduces hoarseness and contains estrogenic compounds, and Jamaica dogwood is a powerful sedative. 32
A 1958 chemical analysis confirmed the estrogen content and the quality of the herbal extracts. So far from being bunkum, Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound was probably the best female tonic on the market, although Lydia did go a bit overboard in claiming to cure all female ills, and in advising customers to “write Mrs. Pinkham,” avoid doctors altogether and just guzzle Compound. 33
The Rev. Andrew White, a former president of Cornell University who had offered Bourke’s teacher Lewis Henry Morgan a job, summed up the progressive view of the evolution of patent medicine in the Popular Science Monthly of May, 1891: “Patent medicine had its origins in folk medicine. We are thus enabled to examine patent medicine as a magical practice and art of gradual development and of slow and subtle transformation. We shall argue that the blind, unthinking faith in a secret compound known as ‘patent medicine’ is, for the most part, a survival. Further, we shall be able to show how magical practices, as of the Indians, develop into remedies of the folk, of the people who share least in progress; how folk practices, in turn, in the hands of the mediaeval leech and alchemist, become ‘occult science’; how, finally, out of leechcraft and quackery was evolved our curious system of patent medicine. The modern doctor is the heir of the leech, apothecary, and alchemist. He too seeks the elixir of life. He now makes a lymph more wonderful than the witches’ ointment, which enabled people to sail through the air.”
Actually, he was making a lymph that was the witches ointment that enabled people to sail through the air. The ointment applied to the broomstick was composed of various combinations of Thornapple (Datura stramonium), Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna), Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), Mandrake (Mandragora), Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) and Monkshood (Aconitum napellus), among others.
A Saxon shaman tripping on mandrake, from a thirteenth-century herbal in the British Museum; Mandrake, from an 1803 British herbal (Thompson)
All but the ergot and aconite are closely related, bearing similar alkaloids: scopolamine, atropine and hyoscyamine. Scopolamine was official in 1918 as a cerebral sedative, an aid for insomnia and delirium tremens, as a pain reliever, as a producer of surgical twilight sleep in combination with morphine, and as a cure for some types of insanity! Today scopolamine is official as a premedication for general anesthesia and as an antispasmodic for motion sickness, nausea and irritable bowel.
Atropine was official in 1918 to check secretion, stimulate circulation and respiration, overcome muscle spasm and as a local anesthetic. It is official today as a premedication for general anesthesia, to speed up an abnormally slow heart and as an antispasmodic. Hyoscyamine was official in 1918 as a substitute for many of the uses of atropine, and is official today as an antispasmodic. Aconitum was formerly official as a circulatory sedative. 34
Ergot, the powerful entheogenic standby of ancient Greek, medieval European and Native American midwives, was official in the 1918 U.S. Dispensatory for the same thing it was official for in ancient Greece, shortening labor: “The effect of a small dose of ergot upon the uterus is to increase both the vigor of its contraction, and its muscular tone.... In the third stage of labor...many obstetricians recommend the routine use of a prophylactic against post partum hemorrhage.... Osborne...says that it had a powerful sedative effect upon the central nervous system and is useful in certain types of asthma, and Graves’s disease, hysteria, and especially for the nervousness in the withdrawal of morphine.” That was the official medical comment, in 1918, on the entheogen of Eleusis, the central sacrament of Classical Greece. 35 36
Hans Baldung Grun, a popular sixteenth century illustrator, pictures the witches applying flying ointment to the absorptive membranes of the vagina. The hanging of the Chelmsford witches, 1589, from a contemporary pamphlet in the Lambeth Palace Library
There is no reference to males assisting in birth prior to the seventeenth century, and no language has a masculine word for midwife, which in English means “with woman.”37 In Latin the word is obstetrix - “a woman who is present”; in French sage-femme - “wise woman”; in Danish jordmoder - “earth mother”; in Welsh bydwraig - “world woman.” “Witch,” with innumerable Old English and Norse antecedents, is related to “wise” and “divine.” 37
The broomstick on which the curanderas were said to fly was Scotch Broom, the common plant whose stalks and leaves, tied in a bundle, were used as a household sweeper from time immemorial. The word ‘broom’ is related to ‘bush’ and ‘bramble,’ and it is the plant that gave the sweeper its name. Smoked broom blossoms give a mild, calmative high; Canary Island Broom, the Mexican variety, is used the same way.
“Flying on a broomstick” has obvious sexual implications. The curanderas under examination also gave detailed descriptions of “anointing a stick” or “greasing a staffe” or “anointing themselves under the arms and in other hairy places.” “Antecessor gives us a horn with a salve in it, wherewith we anoint ourselves, whereupon we call upon the Devil and away we go!” These happy curanderas were brutally slaughtered, by the hundreds of thousands, when trapped by the Inquisition. Late medieval Europe did not take kindly to powerful women. 39 40
Neither did nineteenth-century America. The first federal drug law in American history is aimed specifically at midwives, and the zeitgeist and legal language come straight out of the Inquisition. A sanctimonious Connecticut Congregationalist named Anthony Comstock joined the New York City YMCA’s campaign against obscenity in 1868. Financed by powerful Puritan merchants and supported by leading Doctors of Divinity, Comstock was appointed to head the Y-connected New York Society for the Suppression of Vice. 41
In 1873 Comstock engineered An Act for the Suppression of Trade in, and Circulation of, obscene Literature and Articles of immoral Use – ‘The Comstock Law:’ “That whoever...shall sell...or in any manner exhibit...or shall have in his possession...any obscene book, pamphlet...or other representation...or any cast, instrument or other article of an immoral nature, or any drug or medicine...for the prevention of conception, or for causing unlawful abortion, or shall advertise the same for sale...shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor...and on conviction thereof, he shall be imprisoned at hard labor in the penitentiary for not less than six months nor more than five years for each offense...”
Comstock was made a special agent of the Post Office Department with the power to open the mail. His New York Society served as an army of private deputies. Comstock’s language and assumptions can all be found in the Malleus Maleficarum, the official handbook of the medieval Inquisition. As Pope Innocent VIII put it, in 1487, in pharmacodynamic language, “...applying potent remedies to prevent the disease of heresy and other turpitudes diffusing their poison to the destruction of many innocent souls...” Does that sound like the drug war to you? “Drug” “addiction” is a “plague,” an “epidemic,” a “scourge” of “poison”; all that comes straight out of the Malleus Maleficarum, which admits it’s all really a “turpitude.” 43
The most common evidentiary bust of the medieval Inquisition was the possession of prohibited substances, “witches’ medicines.” “Possession” was de facto proof of the ancient shamanic midwifery. The common phrase “addiction to witchcraft” meant “addiction to drugs,” and, as today, simple possession was proof of “addiction.”
The Pope’s inquisitors, Kramer and Sprenger, are the original authors of the Comstock Law, and they got it from Cato of Utica, Caesar’s aristocratic adversary, as they proudly point out: “And now let us examine the carnal desires of the body itself, whence has arisen unconscionable harm to human life. Justly may we say with Cato of Utica: If the world could be rid of women, we should not be without God in our intercourse.” That’s actually funny.
“All witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which in women is insatiable. See Proverbs XXX: There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, a fourth thing which says not, It is enough; that is, the mouth of the womb. Wherefore for the sake of fulfilling their lusts they consort even with devils.... it is no matter for wonder that there are more women than men found infected with the heresy of witchcraft. And in consequence of this, it is better called the heresy of witches than of wizards, since the name is taken from the more powerful party. And blessed be the Highest Who has so far preserved the male sex from so great a crime; for since He was willing to be born and to suffer for us, therefore He has granted to men this privilege...”
“Now there methods by which they infect with witchcraft the venereal act and the conception of the womb: First, by inclining the minds of men to inordinate passion; second, by obstructing their generative force; third, by removing the members accommodated to that act; fourth, by changing men into beasts by their magic art; fifth, by destroying the generative force in women; sixth, by procuring abortion; seventh, by offering children to devils, besides other animals and fruits of the earth with which they work much harm.”
Isaac Jaspar’s Abomination des Sorciers, c. 1560
“Witches who are midwives in various ways kill the child conceived in the womb.... The Canonists treat more fully than the Theologians of the obstructions due to witchcraft.... No one does more harm to the Catholic Faith than midwives.” 44
Why, this almost rises to the theological heights of St. Augustine himself, who declared, in his Liber de Fide ad Petrum Diaconum, that he “most firmly holds and in no way doubts that not only every pagan, but every Jew, heretic, and schismatic, will go to the eternal fire, which is prepared for the Devil and his angels, unless before the end of his life he be reconciled with and restored to the Catholic Church.” Pope Gregory IX, in his Decretals, used this ‘theology’ to justify the worst horrors of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. “Finally, it benefits obstinate heretics that they be cut off from this life; for the longer they live, thinking their various errors, the more they pervert, and the greater the damnation they lay up for themselves.” 45
German midwives called the ergot of Eleusis Mutterkorn, possession of which, according to Bishop Peter Binsfeld, who wrote his Commentarius in 1622, was the most incriminating of the indicia of witchcraft. Kramer and Sprenger detail how those who use “witches medicines” are to be stripped naked, carefully shaved of all bodily hair, and tied to “some engine of torture” for some good clean lascivious fun. 46 47
Kramer and Sprenger, following a text originally penned by the Roman slaver Augustine, promulgated Reefer Madness: “‘and with our spells we kill them in their cradles or even when they are sleeping by their parents’ side, in such a way that they afterwards are thought to have been overlain or to have died some other natural death. Then we secretly take them from their graves, and cook them in a cauldron, until the whole flesh comes away from the bones to make a soup which may be easily drunk. Of the more solid matter we make an unguent which is of virtue to help us in our arts and pleasures and our transportations; and with the liquid we fill a flask or skin, whoever drinks from which, with the addition of a few other ceremonies, immediately acquires much knowledge and becomes a leader in our sect.’” So much for the mutterkorn of Eleusis. 48 49
In 1878 Comstock went to Madame Restell, a famous Cockney midwife established at 52nd & 5th in Manhattan for years. Although she was 67 and retired, she took pity on Comstock, who entrapped her by posing as a distraught husband whose hysterical wife was unable to sustain yet another pregnancy. On receiving medication, Comstock made his drug bust and threw the old lady in the Tombs. Facing a certain five years at hard labor, the distraught old woman cut her own throat. Comstock proudly told the papers she was the fifteenth midwife he had driven to suicide. 50
Comstock then entrapped an unsuspecting Midwestern physician with two female decoys who begged for contraceptive protection from their uncontrollable husbands. The doctor answered by mail and was sentenced to ten years in Leavenworth; he was released after seven, a broken man. When Emmeline Pankhurst came to America in 1913 Comstock promptly impounded all her copies of Suffragette and brought obscenity charges against her. 51
NYT, 10/24/1913; Sanger’s first edition
Comstock’s last case was his most famous. In 1915 he arrested Margaret Sanger for publishing her own magazine, Woman Rebel (“No Gods, No Masters”), which dealt explicitly with female medicine, sexual repression, labor organization and strike tactics. She was charged on nine counts of obscenity, a possible 45-year sentence. 52 53
Comstock also arrested Sanger’s husband for distributing her famous pamphlet on Family Limitation, dispensed at union meetings, which illustrated her research on the best of contemporary contraception. Growled Comstock, “In my opinion, this book is contrary not only to the law of the State, but to the law of God!” Former President Roosevelt concurred, insisting that it was the “duty” of American women to bear large families in order to win the “warfare of the cradle” and prevent “race suicide.” Progressive magazines were full of dire warning about the superhuman capacity of the Japanese to reproduce. 54 55 56
That is, overpopulation forced wages down, since individual workers became expendable. When labor was scarce, its value and bargaining power increased. In 1913 Rosa Luxemburg from Germany and Anatole France in France called for an international birth strike, the refusal to bear children, as a nonviolent tactic the factory-slaves could employ to force humane working conditions. Sanger was particularly proud that Woman Rebel had drawn congratulatory responses, and subscriptions, from Rosa Luxemburg, Emmeline Pankhurst, Ellen Key, Olive Schreiner and other leading European feminists. 57
“Family Limitation” was what the AMA and Comstock had been calling “self-medication” for thirty years. Wrote Comstock: “Surely, such a mighty medium, power, and agency as the enlightened press of the nineteenth century in free America, ought not to become the tool of the villain, the vampire, nor the ghoul, to rob the simpleminded, honest laborer; or oppress, curse and destroy the sick and afflicted.” “Three feminine dames attached were,/Whom Satan did infect/With Belial’s spirit, whose sorcery did/The simple so molest.” The watchword of the ‘progressive’ inquisitors was “social control.” 58
Lewis W. Hine, Pittsburgh Survey, c.1910; Mulberry Street, 1900 (Library of Congress)
Sanger was just the sort of uncontrollable ghoul Comstock hated most, a qualified obstetrical nurse who insisted that sexuality was “natural, clean and healthful...the creative instinct which dominates all living things.” In 1916 she had the guts to open the first birth control clinic in the U.S., in a Jewish and Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn. In 1917, in the absence of the recently croaked Comstock, using her connections with powerful society women, she forced the government to drop the obscenity charges against her. She is the founder of Planned Parenthood and the organizer of the first World Population Conference, held in Geneva in 1927. 59
In 1912 she went to Lawrence, Massachusetts to help bring 119 of about 300 strikers’ children out of danger while their parents fought it out with the mill owners for the right to unionize. Lawrence had become an armed camp after company goons, that is city police, had shot a young girl as she picketed the factory gate. That’s when the Italian socialists in the mill called in the IWW for the street fight.
Sanger and a few other people were then asked to get the kids out of the way. All the children were seriously undernourished: “Not a child had on any woolen clothing whatsoever, and only four wore overcoats. Never in all my nursing in the slums had I seen children in so ragged and deplorable a condition. The February weather was bitter, and we had to run them to the station.” 60
Sanger, who worked on New York City’s Lower East Side, had repeatedly seen women she nursed die from pregnancies they couldn’t support, or from the results of self-inflicted abortion. Manhattan alone was said to generate 100,000 illegal abortions a year. The horrifying inner city infant death rate was 200 per 1000. By comparison, the death rate for Guatemala in 1990, the worst in Central America, was 80 per 1000. 61
Given the unavailability, the illegality, of birth control information, contraceptive drugs or safe abortifacients, Sanger picked up her pen for The Call, the socialist weekly, and devoted herself to disseminating practical sex-related information: ”What Every Mother Should Know,” and “What Every Girl Should Know.” “No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body.” This, of course, applies to men too, and to lungs as well as to wombs. 62 63
Comstock; Margaret Sanger and Ethel Byrne on trial, Federal Courthouse, 1916
When Sanger got specific about gonorrhea, The Call was banned from the mails: “It was at this time that I began to realize that Anthony Comstock was alive and active. His stunted, neurotic nature and savage methods of attack had ruined thousands of women’s lives. He had indirectly caused the death of untold thousands. He and a weak-kneed Congress, which, through a trick, in 1873 had given him the power of an autocrat, were directly responsible for the deplorable condition of a whole generation of women left physically damaged and spiritually crippled from the results of abortion. No group of women had yet locked horns with this public enemy. Women in far western states who had fought for the sacred privilege of the ballot and won it years earlier had never raised their voices against the Comstock laws. Their own shallow emotions had not yet grappled with so fundamental an issue as sex.” 64
The shallow women to whom Sanger refers are the doughty prudes of the WCTU and the more prohibitionist-minded of the Suffragettes, whose roots were in the old Rush-inspired Temperance movement. During the Civil War, Mother Stewart, a formidable paragon of Methodist rectitude from Ohio, organized what eventually became the American Red Cross, the Volunteer Women’s Central Relief Committee. Her field hospitals were given official status during the war. Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer of Iowa, founder of the Methodist Home Missionary Society and editor of The Christian Woman, formed all-female field kitchens that worked so well Grant made them an official part of his western command.
In 1874 these Union heroines organized their hundreds of local groups into the national Women’s Christian Temperance Union, solemnly declaring that “traffic in intoxicating liquors is a dishonor to Christian civilization.” 65
In one of history’s funnier ironies, it was these proper ladies who popularized the epithet ‘pigs’ applied to the police. The various statewide temperance laws of the 1850s and 60s prohibited the sale of alcohol, so the local saloons gave it away free, and charged the price of a drink to see the “two-headed turtle” or the “blind pig.”
A Women’s Crusade “praying band” beleaguering a saloon in Hillsboro, Ohio, Harper’s Weekly, 3/14/1874
The WCTU’s 1874 campaign, which was virtually nationwide, saw the bible-toting mamas actually burst into saloons and demand their closure on the spot. Police invariably took the bar owner’s side. Thomas Nast’s 1874 Harper’s Weekly cover, below, picked up the WCTU’s snide retort, portraying the police as “blind pigs.”
By the 1880s the WCTU was easily the most powerful women’s organization in the country, with 150,000 dues-paying members in nearly two thousand local clubs. They were ably coordinated with a departmentalized national headquarters by Methodist educator Frances Willard and her “Protestant nuns.” 66
Funky Frances saw woman “above on the hard-won heights of purity that she may lead him upward into freedom from the drink dominion...that he may learn...a chastity as steadfast as her own.” Willard’s Goals were “Preventive, Educational, Evangelistic, Social and Legal.” 67 68
Like Bourke, she was a liberal in her time and place, but her milieu was exclusively “Native American,” by which the ladies meant White, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant: “For God, Home and Native Land” was the motto of these immigrant granddaughters. In the 1880s virtually every member of the WCTU was a churchgoing Protestant. 69 70
Their antisacramentalism was firmly rooted in the Thirty Years War. Insisted Mary Livermore, president of the Massachusetts Union: “No Catholic should hold office in our country whose political allegiance is to the Pope, first. It is high time there was agitation.” 71
“Jewels Among Swine”; Harper’s Weekly, 6/13/1874
Given that women had no vote or legal right to their own children or property in most states, it’s understandable that these frustrated women fixated on the image of a drunken husband as the symbol of the evils of society. But the majority never understood their fixation, eventually rejecting Willard’s broad social agenda in favor of a compulsive, theocratic prohibitionism.
Willard’s agenda, strongly influenced by the Social Gospel of her friend Jane Addams, included the eight-hour-day, female prison reform, day-care centers, free public kindergarten, settlement houses, homeless shelters, free medical dispensaries, federal aid to education and animal rights.
Mother Stewart; Frances Willard; Bar Busting, Hatchet Toting Carrie Nation; The feeling is mutual, Ladies
But, like Bourke, Willard was of two minds: “Woman, who is truest to God and our country by instinct and education, should have a voice at the polls, where the Sabbath and the Bible are now attacked by the infidel foreign population of our country.” She asked Congress to “enact a stringent immigration law prohibiting the influx into our land of more of the scum of the Old World, until we have educated those who are here.” But then she turned around and made a serious effort to educate the scum. By the time Willard died, in 1898, her ambivalent reformism had been rejected by the WCTU in favor of more reflexive compulsions. 72
First, obviously, the women replaced the communion wine with grape juice in all Methodist, Baptist, Congregational, and some Presbyterian churches. The Episcopalians, Lutherans and Catholics stood their ground, insisting that Jesus’ canonical Jews did not drink grape juice. Logically, the ladies also engineered compulsory school prayer and sabbath laws. 73
They converted prostitutes to evangelical Christianity and temperance, and provided shelters for abused women. But they also worked for laws which criminalized them if they transgressed. They raised the legal marriage age in many states, creating a painful hardship for many pregnant young women, but also protected ten year-olds from rape.
Working with Anthony Comstock, the WCTU got obscenity laws in most states which criminalized the teaching of real sexual biology and contraception, even by physicians. They helped Comstock criminalize Sanger. The church ladies even acquiesced when the AMA engineered midwifery licensing tests in most states and then refused to test qualified midwives. Below is the comment of The Masses, “Your honor,” says Comstock, “this woman gave birth to a naked child!”
The Masses, 9/1915
“The internal use of drugs will be discarded by all intelligent physicians,” declared the ethereal Willard. The WCTU pioneered “Scientific Temperance Instruction” (DARE) in the schools, creating a whole new class of textbook, which the WCTU wouldn’t approve unless the “scientific” slant was just right. Between 1892 and 1902 every state in the Union adopted the WCTU “physiology” texts. The result was the canonization of such scientific pioneers as Benjamin Rush, who swore that he had seen a drunkard who belched near a candle instantly destroyed in the conflagration. Doc Gull insisted that, during autopsies, he could set the gassy corpses of alcoholics alight with a match. 74 75 76
The WCTU’s Department of Heredity lobbied for legislation that would restrict “the propagation of the vagrant and criminal classes.” God knows what those farm girls had in mind. The WCTU even pushed for the closing of all canteens on military bases, and succeeded in getting military Prohibition in 1901. 78
The church ladies were helped mightily by the mill owners, who turned their captive audiences over to the country’s most popular fundamentalist evangelist, Baseball Billy Sunday, the 1880s Chicago White Stockings star who pitched his slider for sobriety inside the factory gate.
The mill owners’ major political action committee was run out of the First Congregational Church of Oberlin, Ohio, home of the Rev. Howard Hyde Russell, founder of the far-right, evangelical Anti-Saloon League, which, like the WCTU, had enormous strength in Protestant churches. The League convinced itself that Prohibition was popular with all but “aliens of the lowest type.” “In God’s name and with His help, we will enter upon a permanent good citizenship campaign which shall mean the victorious domination of Christian conscience, whose right it is to rule, in the politics of America.” Sounds contemporary, don’t it? 79 80
The Anti-Saloon League was rolling in money from Ford, Cadillac, Packard, Dodge, Studebaker, S. S. Kresge, Vanderbilt, Morgan, Rockefeller and countless others. By 1918 Kresge had enrolled more than 14,000 business contributors to the League. 81
“Whiskey is all right in its place,” insisted the droll Billy Sunday, “but its place is in hell!” Billy always managed to equate alcohol not only with inefficiency, but with unionism, that other unhealthy immigrant habit. 82
Business pressed for Prohibition laws wherever it could dictate, and then engineered selective antiunion enforcement. Divide (the issues) and conquer. Union leaders invariably discovered they had an alcohol problem; that’s one of the reasons labor was bitterly opposed to Prohibition. Los Angeles, a few years later, discovered it had a terrible marijuana problem when the Mexicans started to organize; in fact, that’s when ‘hemp’ became ‘maria y juana.’
The athletic and brilliantly glib Billy Sunday was hired to hold revivals in town after town where the League had a contest on the ballot: “The saloon must be destroyed!” 83
The Anti-Saloon League, basically Republican, perfected the deadly art of “nonpartisan” bloc voting. If the Republican was wet, the League didn’t hesitate to swing its bloc vote to a dry Democrat. It had both parties quaking in their boots. By 1915, with 40,000 cooperating congregations, it was one of the most powerful forces in the country, controlling hundreds of small towns, dozens of cities, numerous state houses and a considerable portion of Congress.
Harvey Wiley, an Anti-Saloon League temperance fundamentalist, was the Chief Chemist of the Department of Agriculture from 1882 to 1912. He also served as president of the A.M.A.-A.Ph.A. U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, the purpose of which was to draw up the legally official U.S. Pharmacopeia, on which the U.S. Dispensatory is based.
At the 1893 convention of the American Pharmaceutical Association one member called patent medicines “one of our great enemies - and that there are millions of dollars worth sold all over the country, thus diverting money which rightly belongs to the retail drug trade, in the way of prescriptions and regular drugs.” Wiley set out to rectify this injustice, aiming to engineer a teetotal AMA-APhA monopoly on all medically effective herbs and isolates. He did this by making no distinction between the two. 1
In 1903 he set up a government lab to publicize the contents of the patent medicines, making much of their use of the only effective solvent and preservative they had, alcohol. During AMA testimony for alcohol Prohibition, the docs, taking “an active part in the propaganda against drink,” as the Times put it in 1918 - lying through their teeth - swore that alcohol “has no scientific value” in therapeutics. 2
Alcohol was the standard battlefield disinfectant of the American army since the Revolutionary War, and the basic emergency anesthetic of the backwoods. The 1918 U.S. Dispensatory had it official as a germicide and surgical disinfectant, anesthetic, heart stimulant and “The purer forms of alcohol, whether strong or diluted, are employed almost exclusively in pharmacy; as in the preparation of medicines, such as ether, into the composition of which they enter; for the preservation of organic substances; in the extraction of the active principles of drugs, as in tinctures...” Wiley didn’t want no more Lydia Pinkhams. 3
Wiley also emphasized the presence of the opiates, coca, cocaine, cannabis, chloral or “other poisonous substances,” completely ignoring mercury, chlorine, antimony, sulfuric acid and the many other real poisons. Wiley knew perfectly well that these “substances” were not only not “poisonous,” but were the most widely prescribed medicines in the country - and that, of course, was the real point.
As Dr. David Macht, Instructor in Clinical Medicine and Lecturer in Pharmacology at Johns Hopkins University put it in 1915, in the Journal of the AMA no less: “If the entire materia medica at our disposal were limited to the choice and use of only one drug, I am sure that a great many, if not the majority, of us would choose opium; and I am convinced that if we were to select, say half a dozen of the most important drugs in the Pharmacopoeia, we should all place opium in the first rank.” 4
Wiley knew that opium sap was the safest and most effective herbal painkiller, febrifuge, sedative, hypnotic and antispasmodic on the market, official for these purposes, and that easy access to it was essential to the poor. Nonetheless, he led the propaganda campaign - from his bully pulpit in the Department of Agriculture and from his regular column in Good Housekeeping - that advertised opium as a baby killer when not dispensed by the hand of a licensed personage. Opium’s demonic image, pounded in decade after decade, is assumed to be reality today by the vast majority of people – “opioid epidemic! Opioid epidemic!” So how come Holland, where opioids are the same, doesn’t have an opioid epidemic? 5
The 1918 U.S. Dispensatory: “Although capable of fulfilling all the indications for which morphine [one of opium sap’s 39 alkaloids] is employed (above), when used as an analgesic or somnifacient, the alkaloid is usually preferred because of its lesser ability to disturb digestion. On the other hand, in diarrhea and spasmodic colic the whole drug is superior to the alkaloid. Opium is frequently a valuable remedy in diabetes mellitus. How it acts is uncertain, but the whole drug is to be preferred to any of its alkaloids. Because of its peculiar power in dilating the vessels of the skin opium tends to increase the sweat and is therefore useful in minor infections, such as colds, grippe, muscular rheumatism, and the like.”
The legally official guide of organized medicine claimed, word for word, what the patent medicines claimed for opium; the entry for it is the longest in the dispensatory, nineteen pages. Unlike the Dispensatory he helped to write, however, Wiley made no legal distinction in the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 between the whole herbal sap and Bayer’s souped up refined morphine, heroin. 6
Likewise cannabis: “Cannabis is used in medicine to relieve pain, to encourage sleep, and to soothe restlessness.... As a somnifacient it is rarely sufficient by itself, but may at times aid the hypnotic effect of other drugs. For its analgesic action it is used especially in pains of neuralgic origin, such as migraine, but is occasionally of service in other types. As a general nerve sedative it is used in hysteria, mental depression, neurasthenia and the like.” Again, word for word what the patent medicines claimed. 7
Cardiologists prescribed wine because, like opium, it acts as a relaxant to reduce blood pressure. Marijuana was traditionally used the same way by European and American doctors. Queen Victoria, who suffered from migraine, was Victorian England’s most famous pothead.
Cannabis, of course, as well as opium, was often bought unpackaged, generically, from the prescribing druggist, and the physicians fumed about the loss of a prescription fee. The druggists fumed when it was bought packaged in a general store, or, God-forbid, from a “dispensing physician.”
Sanger worried about access to medicine, birth control and free clinics for the poor. Wiley worried about exactly the opposite: restricting access to the commercial interests he represented, criminalization of birth control, and the monopolistic domination of medical fees.
When a baby died of whooping cough or pneumonia, if it had been given an opiate to reduce the fever, stop the hacking cough and let it sleep, Wiley, in Good Housekeeping, attributed the death to the medicine. Given the lack of effective antibiotics and vaccines, opium was a great lifesaver; many a baby owed its life to opium, as Professor Macht indicated. The soothing syrups, like Parke Davis’ Cocillana, or the tonic wines like Vin Mariani, were perfectly safe and healthful; they were effective medicine, and that was the point.
Wiley’s crowning triumph, the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, is a great advance in medical monopoly and a modest advance in truth in labeling. Many over the counter proprietaries made absurd claims and refused to reveal their contents, which often were poisonous. The original act, however, doesn’t require content disclosure, even for poisons, and doesn’t challenge absurd claims; it only mandates truth in content labeling, should the manufacturer care to disclose the contents. The original 1906 text of the law reveals the original intentions. 8
Content disclosure was mandatory only for those drugs specifically listed under regulation 28, the most popular medicines in the country. Corrosive acids, poisonous metals and toxic minerals could all continue to be packaged without being listed. Only ten of the most commercially valuable medicines required listing, along with the percentage of their content, including gum opium, marijuana, coca leaves, “or any derivative or preparation thereof.” The exemption of real poisons was, of course, later corrected.
Wiley’s police force within the USDA was then given unilateral power to decide what percentages were “poisonous,” thereby requiring the manufacturer to label his product as “poison.” When the USDA forced a poison label on a safe medicine, the manufacturer couldn’t take it to court with evidence of medical safety, because the evidence was inadmissible. The law specifically stated that a dangerous drug was anything the USDA said it was. President Roosevelt called this “purposeful ambiguity.” It is, in fact, a standard device of inquisitorial law - it’s in Justinian’s Code and the Malleus Maleficarum, and it’s the law today.9 All pharmacological evidence is inadmissible in drug cases, which is the legal equivalent of saying that all forensic evidence is inadmissible in murder cases. 9
The Supreme Court threw out all the evidence regarding marijuana that Stephen Gaskin brought into court in 1973 without reading it. This included the reports of every major presidential, parliamentary, military and municipal commission over the past hundred years, and the opinions of the National Institute of Mental Health, today’s AMA, the American Bar Association and a host of other reputable expert groups.
The Court’s rejection automatically confirmed the Tennessee Supreme Court, which also didn’t bother to read the evidence. Instead, it simply insisted that “the General Assembly of Tennessee presumably acted in the exercise of sound discretion and with adequate knowledge when it dealt with marijuana…[as a] dangerous drug or harmful substance.” Presumably? Isn’t the purpose of a trial to “discover the facts?” The Supreme Court told Gaskin what it told Daniel Webster in 1833 when he challenged “no-license” - “majority rules” - regardless of the facts. 10
In 1915, an important Wiley ally, Dr. Oscar Dowling, President of the Louisiana State Board of Health and the Southern Medical Association, a member of the AMA’s governing Board of Trustees, wrote in Harper’s that “So called patent and quack medicines, if allowed to be sold and distributed many years longer, will undermine the health of America and in this contribute to the ultimate deterioration of the nation. I am not stating the case too strongly when I declare that the use of patent medicines is perhaps the greatest curse of the nation today.” 11
The Literary Digest, 2/24/1923
In 1996, the U.S. had the highest rate of child poverty in the industrial world, 22%. The Economist, 5/25/1996: “One in five American children lives in poverty, more than double the rate in Germany or Britain.” As Sanger points out, it was worse a hundred years ago. But rather than address the poverty, the pain, the medical monopolists addressed the painkillers, opportunistically inventing a coercive narrative having to do with the improper use of herbs and isolates that only they were qualified to prescribe, always confusing the safe herbs with the more dangerous isolates. This, of course, gave their industrialist allies one more way to sic the police on the unionists.
Wrote an angry Henry Wood in the Arena, Nov. 1893: “Many are not aware of the fact, that if, in any one of a great majority of the states of this glorious, free (?) Union, one is healed of a disease by means of any treatment denominated ‘irregular,’ the person who has done him such service is liable to arrest, punishment, and classification as a felon.”
“They dare not place their work upon the basis of the discrimination of an intelligent public, but ask that their ‘sheepskins’ be made legal tender. There is no other profession or occupation that expects to have a clientage furnished through governmental coercion. This is the class that have moved heaven and earth to have the business of healing ‘regulated.’/Legislative monopoly makes it an offense to practice medicine irregularly. To cure is as much a violation as to kill.”
Wiley’s and Dowling’s AMA was a commercial trade organization composed of an ascending pyramid of county, state and national associations. It was founded in 1847 to protect the regular physicians, the allopaths (Greek alloion, ‘different’) against competition from the well-organized homoeopaths (homoion, ‘similar’), and from the not so well-organized but popular herbalists, eclectics and midwives.
The homeopaths pushed organized medicine in the right direction by relying on the body’s own recuperative powers and insisting on the body’s sensitivity to poisons and high dosages. Their quality schools taught careful symptomatic diagnosis. They also encouraged clinical drug experimentation on the healthy, and insisted on careful drug preparation. It was they who invented the sugarcoating of pills. They also pioneered gentle treatment of the insane.
Their “like-cures-like” microdosing, as well as their faith in hypnosis, were legally recognized, though only marginally by official institutions such as the army and major hospitals. The first women’s medical college in America was the homeopathic New York Medical College and Hospital For Women, opened in 1863. Of the 14,000 practicing homeopaths in 1900, 1,158 were women, as compared to almost none for the regulars, who violently excluded women. 12
Although many homeopaths were dogmatic about their infinitesimal doses, which supposedly cured by bringing on the symptoms of the disease itself, they had an empirical bias that helped to discredit cupping, bleeding, leeching and poisoning; inoculation, after all, is like-curing-like.
During the 1870s and 80s the homeopaths humiliated the regulars with their popular acceptance, and not all homeopathic prescriptions were in microdoses; dose judgments varied between practitioners. It was the homeopaths, whose technical anatomical knowledge rivalled that of the regulars, who forced many Native American botanicals into the pharmacopeia.
In the 1880s the more pragmatic homeopaths, which included most of the powerful hospital- and college-owning leadership, split with the radical microdosers in favor of union with the allopaths. They had 171 hospitals and dispensatories, 20 colleges and 35 medical journals. 13
By the turn of the century the AMA had absorbed most of this structure, establishing itself as the most powerful medical lobby in the country. It rated medical schools for licensing, approved physicians for army and government appointments, fulfilled the medical requirements of workmen’s compensation laws, passed on the value of all new drugs and licensed midwives.
The AMA estimated that a physician required a clientele of 2000 patients, minimum, to make a decent living. It complained bitterly about the overabundance of physicians being cranked out by the 160 medical colleges, 6000 a year, mostly from commercial diploma mills offering a four month course. 14
Between 1888 and 1909, 72% of applicants, all with medical degrees, failed the Army Medical Corps’ basic competence test. Those reformers in the AMA who worried about standards had a point. Rallying around the famous 1910 Flexner Report, they were responsible for a vast improvement in medical education and licensing, and so became the monopolists’ best weapon. The power the AMA achieved over medical school licensing became a diktat of curriculum and even machinery from well-connected manufacturers. 15 16
By 1920 the AMA’s Council on Medical Education and Federation of State Medical Boards, though merely extensions of a trade organization, achieved the legal power to either license or close medical schools. Graduates of medical schools with a low AMA rating, regardless of their personal expertise, were barred from state licensing exams. This power was used to put the homeopathic schools, with their emphasis on pharmacology and symptomatology, out of business. 17 18
At the turn of the century 75% of the births in St. Louis were home births attended by midwives, and in Chicago the figure was 86%. 78% of Maryland’s midwives were Black. Not only was culture a factor, but the midwives’ nominal fee, usually $15, including follow-up visits, was deeply resented by many regulars. 19 20
The AMA’s midwife licensing system was based on the old Temperance ‘no-license’ scam, the basis of all the seminal drug laws. In Daniel Webster’s day it was taken as a constitutional given that any citizen could take any food, medicine or drink she or he pleased without interference from the police. Senator Webster, in 1833, argued before the Supreme Court that since state licensing powers were merely taxation devices they couldn’t legally be refused to taxpayers. The state couldn’t pass a tax on alcohol, refuse to collect it, and then prosecute citizens for nonpayment of the alcohol tax. But the Supreme Court upheld ‘no-license,’ saying simply “majority rules.”
In 1896 the Illinois Board of Health instituted a pioneer program for the licensing of midwives which, once licensed, denied them legal access to medicines or instruments. In 1913 Dr. Ziegler, in the Journal of the AMA, opposed “any plan which seeks to give [the midwife] a permanent place in the practice of medicine.”By 1925 the AMA got laws in most states which required a license to practice midwifery, and then refused to test any but hospital-connected graduates, thus putting independent midwives out of business, even if they could pass the test. The obstetrical training in, and access to, the regular hospitals improved, but at the cost of home birthing. By 1930 midwifery had virtually disappeared. 21 22 23
Today in those states where attended home birthing is legal, not many, midwives, even if duly licensed RNs, aren’t permitted access to any medically effective drugs, forcing almost all birth business into the hospital. Birth complications can usually be detected in preliminary exams, and it’s reasonable to insist that home births involve only uncomplicated labors, but 98% of all labors are complication-free. If a little ripping occurs, a qualified midwife or RN is denied the local anesthetic needed to make three or four stitches. Commercial monopoly, not service to women, is at the back of that, since home births are far cheaper than hospital births, and the familiar surroundings conducive to a much calmer and safer delivery, as innumerable midwives have insisted for years. 24
In 1882 the AMA agreed, for the first time, to allow the American Pharmaceutical Association to chair the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, the purpose of which was to draw up the legally official compendium known as the U.S. Pharmacopeia, the basis of the U.S. Dispensatory. The National Formulary is the official guide of the APhA. In return for recognition of their right to be the only legitimate dispensers of medicines, the druggists wrote into their code of ethics not only a prohibition against the prescribing druggist, but a vow of secrecy, refusing to tell consumers the contents of, or alternatives to, the physician’s prescription, even when asked. 25
In 1899 the AMA was taken over by a brilliant medical hustler named George H. Simmons. Between 1899 and 1924 Simmons was Editor of The Journal of the AMA, Executive Secretary, General Manager, and Chief of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry. The two posts he held longest, Editor of the Journal and Chief of the Council on Pharmacy, were the two most powerful positions in the organization.
Simmons’ medical career began in Nebraska in the 1880s, operating a massage parlor and abortion clinic as a licensed homeopath. In his ads in the Lincoln papers, below, he claimed to be a “licentiate of Gynecology and Obstetrics from the Rotunda Hospitals, Dublin, Ireland.” Actually, the only regular medical degree he ever got in his life came from an unaccredited mail order diploma mill called the Rush Medical College of Chicago (apt name) in 1892. The prescription records in Lincoln proved that while ‘studying’ in Chicago, Simmons was actually practicing in Lincoln. These facts came out in sworn testimony before a Senate committee in 1930 investigating the AMA’s “practices in restraint of trade.” 26
The ophthalmic surgeon Emanuel Josephson was so infuriated by Simmons’ behavior that he carefully catalogued the case against him in his 1941 book, Merchants in Medicine. Josephson points out that the phrase “a limited number of ladies can be accommodated at my residence,” was the usual abortionist catchphrase.
But it wasn’t service to women that made Simmons famous. Without approval from the AMA’s Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry no new drug could advertise in The Journal of the AMA or in any other major journal or paper. Through kickback advertising contracts and truth in advertising laws which recognized only official AMA opinion as the truth, Simmons’ Council on Pharmacy achieved enormous power. Harvey Wiley, while he was writing the seminal Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906 as Commissioner of the USFDA, was a member of the AMA’s Council on Pharmacy. It was he who wrote into law the legal precedent that whole herbs are the same as their refined concentrates, even though this expert pharmacist knew that was just commercial trickery.
The AMA rules stipulated that in order to win acceptance the manufacturer must agree: 1) Not to expect approval if any other preparation of the firm had not been submitted; 2) Not to use, in its literature or advertising, the work of any investigator who was not a member of the AMA or approved by it; 3) To submit all advertising copy in advance for approval; 4) Not to offer any prescription drug directly to the public and not to specify its uses on the label. 27
Dr. Henry Rusby, Dean of the College of Pharmacy of Columbia University and an intrepid botanical explorer, recounted this story to Dr. Josephson: In 1913 Simmons had refused to approve the new radium line of Joseph Flannery, president of the Standard Chemical Company of Pittsburgh. Madame Curie herself had pronounced Flannery’s radium up to standard, but Simmons adamantly refused to put it in his list of New and Non-Official Remedies, without offering any explanation. Flannery complained to his old friend Rusby that the rejection could cost him a fortune, whereupon Rusby told him to try bribery. After Flannery paid Simmons a hefty sum, the ‘analysis’ department of the AMA’s Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry endorsed Flannery’s radium line.
But one of his products, a solution of radium salts for drinking, was highly toxic. With official AMA endorsement this ‘Radium Drinking Water’ killed quite a few people before the USDA reacted. Another of Simmons’ big winners was dinitrophenol, a lethal wood preservative and insecticide, approved by the Council on Pharmacy for weight reduction. Simmons’ substitution of blackmail for medical analysis was standard AMA procedure, as Parke-Davis, Loesser and Abbot laboratories testified in court and before Congress.
It was this Council on Pharmacy that Congress went to for the basic pharmacological definitions that are the standing legal precedents of today’s drug laws - and they are a tissue of overt empirical lies. The AMA and APhA wanted one thing only from The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and The Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914 - complete commercial control of the most valuable medicines.
In 1914 Dr. Frank Lydston of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, a famous epidemiologist and theoretician, had this to say in his pamphlet Why The AMA Is Going Backwards: “The achievement of which the oligarchy of the AMA has boasted most vociferously has been its belated war on proprietaries, quack medicine manufacturers and impure food producers. When one recalls the nauseous array of proprietary fakes on the advertisements of which the oligarchy built its financial prosperity, its ‘holier than thou’ pose is sickening. It was fitting to its psychic constitution that after the AMA has for years done its level best to promulgate the interest, and fatten upon, fake manufacturers and professional poisoners of the innocent, it should bite the hand that fed it. Despotic powers such as the oligarchy wields over the drug and food manufacturers is dangerous, and human nature being what it is, that power might be expected sooner or later to be abused.” Paracelsus penned the same warning 400 years earlier about the ‘regulars’ of his day. 28 29
With their powerful journals, the AMA and the APhA began a fierce coordinated campaign against “self-medication,” demeaning the value of any household medicine not sanctified by the hand of a licensed personage. The Council on Pharmacy declared cod liver oil to be “a putrid oil of no greater value than any other fatty oil.” A valuable source of vitamins A and D, cod liver oil has been given to infants for centuries to insure healthy skin and bones, and is official today for this purpose.
Coca Leaf, Wikimedia Commons
The two trade journals printed horror stories of cocaine abuse “by unfortunate women generally and by negroes,” while simultaneously blurring the distinction between coca leaf and cocaine. Although the laws engineered by these monopolists equate the two, herbs, in practice, are as different from their isolates as kitchen matches are from grenades. That is, amateurs can experiment safely with most traditional herbs, since unsafe herbs don’t become traditional in their native cultures. 30
Two thousand pounds of coca leaves, bathed in the right acid-alkaline wash, reduces, depending on the type of leaf and process efficiency, to 10-20 pounds of cocaine. Cocaine is a natural isolate, artificial only in that it doesn’t exist in nature in isolated form. But refined isolates require training to measure and understand. It is medically reasonable to insist that refined isolates are by definition dangerous. 31
Carcinogenic chemicals far more dangerous than cocaine can be extracted from celery, potatoes, beets, lettuce, pepper, common mushrooms, fava beans, mustard, horseradish, cottonseed oil, okra, alfalfa sprouts, spinach, radishes, rhubarb - in fact from most commercial fruits and vegetables. Potato skins contain the glycoalkaloids solanine and chaconine, natural insecticides which are dangerous enough to kill with one small snort, yet it’s perfectly safe and healthful to eat a potato. 32
Coca leaf, the traditional Andean chew and breakfast tea, a genuine health food, is as safe to use as orange pekoe tea, yet its possession in the U.S. will garner years in prison. One hundred grams of coca leaves actually satisfy the RDA for calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A and riboflavin, and are higher in calories, protein, carbohydrates and fiber than most foods. It is also empirically established that coca leaves are nonaddictive. 33 34
There is nothing dangerous, in the legal sense, about most traditional inebriative herbs. In fact the Quechua speaking coca chewers of the high Andes are famous as the Centenarians of the Andes, some of the most long-lived people on earth, despite the grinding poverty fascism has inflicted on them. Obviously cocaine, the concentrate, is a newly-isolated (1860) surgical tool, a powerful local anesthetic capable of hypodermic injection. Hypodermic injection cannot be analogized with the traditional culinary uses of the whole leaf. 35
Mariani’s label; Sears, Roebuck catalog, 1897
At the turn of the century, an alcoholic extract of whole coca leaves in good French wine was the bestselling tonic wine in the world, Vin Mariani. It was happily lauded to the skies in Mariani’s full-page ads by the likes of Thomas Edison, Jules Verne, Pope Leo XIII, Queen Victoria, Sarah Bernhardt, Emile Zola, Charles Gounod and Bartholdi, sculptor of the Statue of Liberty.
Mariani said he used a traditional alcoholic infusion of whole coca leaves. He claimed never to have used isolated cocaine. Mariani was world famous as a connoisseur of coca leaves. Their distinctions in the Andes were as sharp as the distinctions between French wines. Many of Mariani’s imitators, of course, made no bones about adding indiscriminate amounts of refined cocaine and sugar to cheap wine.
This helped organized medicine to engineer a legal monopoly on the enormous tonic wine business. They did this by defining the whole leaf, in law, as the same as the refined concentrate, cocaine, and therefore available only by prescription.
Freud’s 1884 essay On Coca popularized the use of cocaine for short-term stimulation, treatment of asthma, as an aphrodisiac, as a ‘maintenance therapy’ in alcohol and opiate addiction, and as a local anesthetic. Freud’s colleague in Vienna, Carl Koller, reinvented eye surgery with it, since cocaine was the first surgically effective local anesthetic, capable of suppressing the blink reflex. Koller’s monumental 1884 discovery led to a revolution in general surgery the next year with the invention of spinal-block anesthesia using cocaine. 36 37
Freud and Koller, that is, used Niemann’s “active principle” of the leaf rather as the Incas used the whole leaf. Dr. William Hammond, former surgeon general of the army, announced cocaine as the official cure of the Hay Fever Association in the late 1880s. 38 39
At the turn of the century, an alcoholic extract of whole coca leaves in good French wine was the bestselling tonic wine in the world, Vin Mariani. It was happily lauded to the skies in Mariani’s full-page ads by the likes of Thomas Edison, Jules Verne, Pope Leo XIII, Queen Victoria, Sarah Bernhardt, Emile Zola, Charles Gounod and Bartholdi, sculptor of the Statue of Liberty.
Mariani said he used a traditional alcoholic infusion of whole coca leaves. He claimed never to have used isolated cocaine. Mariani was world famous as a connoisseur of coca leaves. Their distinctions in the Andes were as sharp as the distinctions between French wines. Many of Mariani’s imitators, of course, made no bones about adding indiscriminate amounts of refined cocaine and sugar to cheap wine.
This helped organized medicine to engineer a legal monopoly on the enormous tonic wine business. They did this by defining the whole leaf, in law, as the same as the refined concentrate, cocaine, and therefore available only by prescription.
Freud’s 1884 essay On Coca popularized the use of cocaine for short-term stimulation, treatment of asthma, as an aphrodisiac, as a ‘maintenance therapy’ in alcohol and opiate addiction, and as a local anesthetic. Freud’s colleague in Vienna, Carl Koller, reinvented eye surgery with it, since cocaine was the first surgically effective local anesthetic, capable of suppressing the blink reflex. Koller’s monumental 1884 discovery led to a revolution in general surgery the next year with the invention of spinal-block anesthesia using cocaine. 36 37
Freud and Koller, that is, used Niemann’s “active principle” of the leaf rather as the Incas used the whole leaf. Dr. William Hammond, former surgeon general of the army, announced cocaine as the official cure of the Hay Fever Association in the late 1880s. 38 39
Cocaine, a powerful local anesthetic, made an excellent swab for teething pain. Rare indeed was the parent who made baby guzzle the stuff. But, seizing on the rare examples of hysterical or untrained overdosage, organized medicine proceeded to exaggerate the dangers of cocaine and to paint every other medically effective herb and isolate with the same brush. They had found, as The American Journal of Pharmacy put it in 1903, their “devil-drug.” 40
The intentional confusion between herbs and isolates supported the infantilization of the patient. The intentional confusion, combined with the artificial hysteria, enabled organized medicine to achieve a legal monopoly not only on the potentially dangerous refined concentrates, but on the perfectly safe bestselling herbs as well. That’s why today’s drug law contains no objective definition of ‘drug,’ just an irrational list of ‘substances,’ which can be either whole herbs, that is, vegetables, natural isolates or artificial compounds. Mariani’s dilute alcoholic extract of whole coca leaves became as illegal as the refined cocaine in Tucker’s Specific, not that a correct, labeled dosage of Tucker’s would have been dangerous. In no other area of law would such vagueness be tolerated. Of course, this was the era of “separate but equal,” and that was no coincidence.
The Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914 taxed and licensed the sale and dispensing of coca leaf, cocaine, opium sap and most opium alkaloids. But Harrison turned into a ‘no-license’ tax measure when actively administered by Treasury. What the medical monopolists hadn’t foreseen was that the cops in the Treasury Department would end up with the legal power, confirmed by the Supreme Court in various decisions from 1919 through 1925, to throw the physicians and druggists themselves in jail for ‘nonmedical’ prescribing - as defined by the cops in Treasury. Today this power has devolved to the DEA and the FDA. 41
My use of the phrases “medical monopolists” and “organized medicine” shouldn’t be misconstrued to mean “doctors.” Most doctors are compassionate caregivers. Compassionate caregivers, however, tend to be preoccupied with giving care, not with achieving commercial control of trade organizations. Hustlers and power brokers tend to do that. Today’s AMA is not corrupt, and only 20% of doctors are members. Some of the most effective criticism of contemporary drug law comes from anti-monopolistic physicians in search of clinical freedom.
Piso’s Cure (Cannabis & Chloroform), advertised in The Indiana [PA] Progressive, 1/9/1889
Harrison had left consumers free to buy any non-opiate or coca medicine without a prescription, from the local druggist. This economic loophole was closed in 1938 by the FDA’s Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Using Stalin’s Russia as his model, Roosevelt’s Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, economics professor Harry Tugwell, criminalized the purchase of any prescription medicine without a prescription. The AMA-APhA had long since forced manufacturers to define any effective new preparation as “prescription only,” so Wiley’s dream of a teetotal legal monopoly for his beloved licentiates finally became real. Tugwell also wrote into law the AMA’s recommendation that prescription medicine labels “appear only in such medical terms as are not likely to be understood by the ordinary individual.” 42
Tobacco kills 480,000 Americans a year. Alcohol kills 90,000. Cars kill 40,000. All illegal drugs combined kill 30,000, and almost all of those deaths are due not to pharmacology, but to the effects of Prohibition, such as poisonous adulteration, ignorance, combination with alcohol, or neurotic dependence due to the unavailability of whole herbs. The hysteria about ‘drugs’ is completely artificial. Tobacco leaf, another traditional shamanic herb, is far more dangerous than coca leaf, opium sap or marijuana, and yet I can smoke it till I drop.
Commercial medicine, as opposed to compassionate medicine, is willing to extort all of Peru, and all of Los Angeles, forever, rather than admit that coca leaf is a safe, healthful chew and tea. To do so would be to readmit curanderismo into American culture, and that’s just too dangerously tribal for the laity. Instead we got The Saturday Evening Post, in 1929, joyfully reporting that “Seventy-five years ago, there were no drugs to relieve headaches and similar pains, except dangerous, habit-forming opiates. Now, there are a wide range of relatively harmless drugs, such as coal-tar derivatives.” Since isolated coal tar derivatives can’t be grown in anyone’s garden, their permutations can be patented. That’s why they’re “safe.” 43
Black Fiends
“Negro Cocaine ‘Fiends’ Are A New Southern Menace!” screamed Dr. Edward H. Williams in The New York Times, Feb. 8, 1914, while Harrison was in committee. Old Doc Williams didn’t let the facts stand in his way: “But I believe the record of the ‘cocaine nigger’ near Asheville, who dropped five men dead in their tracks, using only one cartridge for each, offers evidence that is sufficiently convincing.”
“Nine men killed in Mississippi on one occasion by crazed cocaine takers, five in North Carolina, three in Tennessee - these are facts that need no imaginative coloring. And since this gruesome evidence is supported by the printed records of insane hospitals, police courts, jails, and penitentiaries, there is no escaping the conviction that drug taking has become a race menace in certain regions south of the line.”
This is not an obscure KKK screed, this is a prominent northern physician cum medical politician illustrating the mainstream national dialogue on the frontpage of the magazine section of the Sunday New York Times, the most respected newspaper in the country. The public argument for Prohibition was almost entirely one long, ‘respectable’ racist diatribe. President Wilson, born to a slave holding family in Virginia in 1856, was a KKK-lovng segregationist who went out of his way to segregate the federal bureaucracy and the Washington DC transit system. President Wilson hosted the 1915 premiere of the blockbuster film The Birth of a Nation, a paean to the KKK, at the White House. The Birth of a Nation is essentially a classic temperance play that portrays Black men as psychopathic rapists driven mad by alcohol, hence the need for Prohibition and the KKK. As President Wilson demonstrates, the KKK and groups like it were considered respectable, and Prohibition was the KKK’s number one political platform. At right, Williams’ ally, Dr. Hamilton Wright, author of the 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act.
It seems to me that, from the Black perspective, the achievements of the cocaine nigger were an endorsement of cocaine. Obayi, in the Akan language of Ghana, means witchcraft; it is counteracted with myal, spirit possession for the purpose of identifying and prescribing the curative herbs. The captive African obeah and myal women and men of the West Indies teamed up to defend their enslaved culture. 1
An 1891 Scientific American article, “Obeah Poisons and Poisoners,” expresses the usual progressive compassion: “There is probably no locality where Anglo-Saxon civilization is now waging so active a warfare in this direction as in the British West Indies. There the colonial governments are brought face to face with the Obeahman, whose skill with native poisons is supplemented by a certain rude acquaintance with the pharmacopoeia, and whose sway over his debased followers is practically absolute.”
“Obeah, the worship and propitiation of the eternal snake as an emblem of evil, long ago degenerated into a series of obscene orgies among its West Indian followers.... it suffices to say that the result is to bring into great demand the services of the ‘bush doctors,’ as those uneducated charlatans are called who brew simples from the wild herbs at hand. This is not to be wondered at when we find that there is but one educated physician to every 12,300 of inhabitants, by far the greatest proportion of which are spread over stretches of wilderness, and what wonder that ‘bush physic’ is all that the ignorant, neglected negroes ever receive?” 2
New York Times, Nov. 23, 1920; Look, 1938
Reported The New York Times, Nov. 23, 1920: “The Daily Mail published further details this morning of the Rev. John Roscoe’s expedition among East African tribes. Mr. Roscoe found that among the best tribes infant mortality was terrible, and that this was almost wholly due to the use of drugs. Out of sheer kindness babies were dosed with drug after drug, most of them prepared from crushed herbs given in water or milk.”
The Literary Digest, in 1920, explained “The Cannibal’s Substitute For Religion”: “Religious consciousness is generally supposed to be innate among all races and tribes but Professor Richard L. Garner, a director of the Smithsonian Institution’s recent expedition to the French Kongo, finds that the Pangwes, an incorrigibly cannibalistic tribe, acknowledge no deity and believe that everything which presents the least element of mystery is explainable by witchcraft. They are a purely materialistic people, without sufficient powers of abstraction to conceive of spirit as a thing apart from matter, nor of anything else that the natural organs of sensation fail to perceive. Buiti is the highest native conception of a beneficent being, says this authority in The Forum; but this being is only human, armed with the natural agencies of monda or ‘medicine’; and Nyakwa, who is also human, is the most definite conception of an evil genius. The good services of the one are procured through a ritualistic ceremony which has no connection with any religious emotion, and tribute forestalls the malign influence of the other.”
“Their belief in witchcraft has no religious aspect. It’s secret knowledge. The wise men of the tribe know the medicinal and poisonous properties of certain herbs, and how to use them for a desired effect. The powers of a witch are limited only by the knowledge of such secrets and the ability to obtain the required ingredients of monda.” 3
Seeing Bwiti
The Bwiti religion of Gabon, Congo, Guinea and Cameroon, centered on the use of Iboga root bark, was the African equivalent of the peyote religion, and is still a great intertribal force in Central Africa. There are between 1-2,000 Bwiti temples in contemporary Gabon, where it is virtually the state religion.
One “sees Bwiti” by “eating the Iboga.” The ancient legend says that deep in the Ituri forest a great Mbuti (Pygmy) hunter was seized by Bwiti for killing too many wild boar, porcupines and gorillas. Bwiti cut the hunter into a thousand pieces and scattered him throughout the jungle. Searching for her lost husband, the hunter’s wife found flowering Iboga shoots growing from the scattered fragments of her husband’s body, as if from seed. Bwiti told the widow that if she wanted to speak with the great hunter, all she need do was eat the Iboga. Thus was contact with Bwiti established for ever after. 4
Ibogaine, isolated from the root bark of the Tabernanthe iboga bush, has been clinically shown to be of profound psychiatric value, in that it brings repressed memories to consciousness without inducing hallucinations. It is, therefore, a viable aid in the treatment of schizophrenia as well as neurosis and drug addiction. This is discussed by Dr. Claudio Naranjo in The Healing Journey, Dr. Stanislav Grof in LSD Psychotherapy and Dr. Arthur Janov, the founder of primal therapy, in The Anatomy of Mental Illness. Although under active investigation by NIDA’s Medication Development Program because of its value to drug abusers, Iboga is verboten to us incorrigible Pangwes, who might, God forbid, see Bwiti. Since the mid-1990s many supportive studies have continued to uphold early claims of ibogaine’s safety and efficacy as a treatment for substance use disorder. 5
For those who think that the rationale of current American drug law isn’t inherently racist and anti-tribal, or that it’s different than the industrial fascism of alcohol Prohibition, we have the KKK-supported Rep. Richmond P. Hobson of Alabama. This slick professional racist had a hand in writing most of the standing legal precedents of today’s drug laws. In the 1920s Hobson was the most famous anti-heroin crusader in the country. In 1911 Hobson was the man who introduced what became the Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition, in Congress. One of the Prohibitionists’ favorite lies is that Drug Prohibition and Alcohol Prohibition are separate issues engineered by separate forces. They were, in fact, part and parcel of the same political program engineered by exactly the same individuals, most of them anti-Black racists.
The first DEA was created by the Volstead Act, the enabling act of the Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition. The first DEA was called the Narcotics Division of the Prohibition Unit of the Treasury Department. The trouble with Prohibition was that the old Civil War Alcohol Tax had become the financial mainstay of the federal government, accounting for two-fifths of the federal budget. The solution, of course, was the one Temperance originally proposed in 1862, the other great constitutional rape, the personal income tax, which became the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913. The IRS, certainly the most intrusive government bureaucracy, is a Republican invention - originally conceived as a rationale for alcohol Prohibition.
Thomas Nast on the insanity of taxing work rather than dissipation, 1878
Since most state electoral districts were gerrymandered to give rural voters three times the voting power of urban voters, the only edge the cities had was their ability to act as the deciding bloc in an electoral fight. The Seventeenth Amendment, direct popular election of senators, undercut the power of the big city machines.
The Nineteenth Amendment, woman suffrage, would never have passed had it not been for the WCTU, although by this time the Woman Suffrage Association had become a major player, as had the less political but rich General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The Southerners feared woman suffrage led logically to Black suffrage, and they had the votes to stop it. But the church ladies, who closed every WCTU meeting with their marching song, “All Around the World,” sung to the tune of “Old Black Joe,” argued that only the votes of educated “American” women could save the South now.
The church ladies were strong allies of the antilabor Anti-Saloon League. Southern factory owners and cotton planters hated unions at least as passionately as their Northern brethren, and they came to rely on the wholesome influence of the church ladies. Frances Willard herself had stressed that the problem with labor was not so much “how to make higher wages” but “how to turn present wages to better account.” What that was supposed to mean to a sharecropper with starving children is beyond me. This ruthless bourgeois condescension was the prevailing attitude among the Southern Suffragettes and WCTUs. If they were what White female power was about, the South was all for it. 6
Southern WCTU poster; NYT, 12/3/1919; contemporary story in the NY Times
The KKK’s Rep. Hobson of Alabama was the Anti-Saloon League’s most popular and highest paid speaker. The assumptions of his astounding arguments are all written into today’s drug law. Here are some excerpts from his Feb. 2, 1911 speech in Congress introducing what became, in 1918, the Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition:
“History is a record of a sad procession of world tragedies. Nations and empires in turn have risen to greatness only to fall. Before the death blow was struck from without the evidence shows in every case the ravages of a titanic destroyer within, under whose operations the vitality and strength of the nation were submerged in a general degeneracy.”
“For centuries the world’s philosophers and historians have looked on appalled, overwhelmed. Only in the last few years has science taken up the question. Following her patient, rigid methods, underwhich nature and life have slowly yielded up their secrets, science has at last cleared up the mystery and identified the great destroyer as alcoholic poisoning.”
“Exact laboratory, clinical and pathological research has demonstrated that alcohol is a dehydrating, protoplasmic poison.... under the microscope it was found that even a moderate drink of alcoholic beverage passing quickly into the blood paralyzes the white corpuscles. They behave like little drunken men. In pursuit they cannot catch the disease germs. In conflict they cannot hold the disease germs for devouring, and they cannot operate in great phalanxes, as they do when sober, against such powerful germs as those of consumption.”
“If a peaceable red man is subjected to the regular use of alcoholic beverage, he will speedily be put back to the plane of the savage. The Government long since recognized this and absolutely prohibits the introduction of alcoholic beverage into an Indian reservation. If a negro takes up a regular use of alcoholic beverage, in a short time he will degenerate to the level of the cannibal. No matter how high the stage of evolution, the result is the same.”
The Literary Digest, 6/24/1924
“In our great cities like New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia the ravages upon the average character have been so great, so many degenerates have already been produced, that the degenerate and corruptible vote not only holds the balance of power between the two great political parties and can dictate to both, but actually holds a majority of the votes, so that honest and efficient self-government as a permanent condition is now impossible. Immigrants coming in vast numbers from abroad remained chiefly in the cities. As young as our Nation is, the deadly work of alcohol has already blighted liberty in our greatest cities.”
“If America degenerates the yellow man will be on hand. Some may make light of the yellow man; so did Romans make light of the ‘Barbarians.’ The yellow man is not degenerating. He can shoot as straight as a white man now, and undegenerated he can live on one-tenth of what is necessary for the white men while they are in the field doing the shooting. A race of degenerates cannot occupy the American continent.”
“In America we are making the last stand of the great white race, and substantially of the human race. If this destroyer cannot be conquered in young America, it cannot in any of the old and more degenerate nations. If America fails, the world will be undone and the human race will be doomed to go down from degeneracy into degeneracy till the Almighty in wrath wipes the accursed thing out!”
God, they loved him in Alabama. In the 1920s he founded the International Narcotic Education Association, with a board of directors of prominent industrialists and an advisery council of cabinet secretaries, governors, mayors, district attorneys, bishops and ambassadors, but not one reputable drug abuse expert. Having gotten his alcohol Prohibition, he decided that the fate of “the race” rested on defeat of the new “Great Destroyers” - all herbal and refined inebriants, advocating precisely the policies we now have in place, Draconian law enforcement combined with unrelenting propaganda:
Dr. Wiley in Good Housekeeping, March, 1914
“We need to preach the gospel of narcotic abstinence from the pulpit, to flash it on the screen, to enact it on the stage, to proclaim it from the public platform, to depict it in the press, and, above all, to teach it in our schools. All constructive social agencies will help in fighting this peril - in setting up in the minds of all the same abhorrence that is felt for a venomous snake...” 7
All the measures Hobson advocated for the inner cities are now law. Our prisons are full of exactly the people Hobson thought belonged there. We don’t say “nigger” anymore, of course, we say “drug dealer,” so much more scientific; Hobson stopped saying “nigger” too. In Good Housekeeping, the progressive Dr. Wiley, above, worried about “Negro peddlers.” In the yellow press the single most common synonym for “nigger” was “drug dealer” or “addict,” as in the sharpshooter from Asheville; these words are racist code to this day.
My old man grew up on the Lower East Side near Meyer Lansky and Benny Siegel, whom he knew as the kids who put together the feared killers of the Bugs and Meyer Mob. They were the kids Grandma warned Dad to stay away from (Uncle Izzy didn’t listen). While they were still teenagers, they teamed up with Charlie Luciano, Frank Costello and their awesome collection of young Sicilians and Italians and built the organization that came to represent organized crime in America.
Prohibition made interstate and international cooperation the order of the day. Arnold Rothstein showed Lansky and Luciano how to use freighters hanging off the three-mile limit as wholesale warehouses servicing their fast crabs. God help the Fed who didn’t shut up and take his cut.
The Wasp industrialists said it was all because of the Kikes and the Wops, and even the Micks, Krauts and Pollacks when they could sober up enough to put up a fight. Prohibition, of course, is still in force. Only the alcohol part has been repealed. Now it’s all the fault of the Spics, Gooks and Niggers.
The racist hammering young Black men take behind the drug laws is, in many neighborhoods, intense and constant, driving many of them nuts with hostility. The schizophrenic Nation of Islam (as opposed to the real religion of Islam), out-platitudes the platitudinous - and calls it prophesy. It supports escalation of the Drug War, consistent with slaver Islam’s imperial hostility to tribal culture, while at the same time decrying the obviously racist enforcement. If the enforcement is incurably racist, and tied to military intelligence, as this book demonstrates and as the NOI has always accurately insisted, why support continued criminalization of human herbalism? Why demonize African tribal culture, which, like all tribal culture, is shamanic?
Let us hope, when they are deep in prayer, the leaders of the NOI can have a nice long communion with Bob Marley, the Queen of Sheba and her husband King Solomon, as the Holy Bible, the Holy Quran and the Ethopian Kebra Nagast, the Glory of Kings, have it. The NOI should commune with the Rastas instead of praying for the soul of the NOI's financier Omar al-Bashir, indicted for genocide by the International Criminal Court for the enslavement and mass-murder of the Nuba and Dinka. Farrakhan’s NOI (unlike Malcolm’s) has absolutely nothing to say about Prohibition itself, agreeing that possession of ‘drugs’ ought to be illegal and a cause for imprisonment.
Malcolm X was a major figure in the New York media when I was in DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx, from which I graduated in 1963. I remember liking him, because his answer to everything wasn’t “it’s the Jews.” In 1957, when I was in seventh grade, Hinton Johnson and two other NOI members were brutally attacked by the police when they tried to stop the police from clubbing the hell out of a black man for no reason. The police reaction to the interruption was to start clubbing Johnson and his two companions as well, and then to arrest them. Malcolm’s reaction wasn’t violence, it was political pressure and law. Malcolm gathered an overwhelming crowd outside the police station, eventually numbering as many as four thousand people, which the whole world saw on television. This forced the police to admit they were indeed holding the very badly injured Johnson, which at first they denied, and get him to the hospital. Then Malcolm arranged lawyers for all four men. I knew how violent and racist the NYPD was, and I remember, looking at the TV, thinking how courageous Malcolm was. He was, in fact, a pioneer of Black Lives Matter.
I watched him over the years get less and less mindlessly antisemitic, and more and more analytical and spiritual, as he attempted to deconstruct the mechanics of systemic racism and mass imprisonment. In September 1960, at the U.N., Malcolm was invited to meet with Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Ahmed Sékou Touré of Guinea, Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia and Cuba’s Fidel Castro. Like much of the rest of the world, I admired his guts, saw empirical genius in much of what he was saying, and knew he was telling the truth about police brutality and systemic racism. I felt personally robbed of his creativity when Farrakhan murdered him (complicity in which he has admitted). Malcolm was on a roll, and I was looking forward to seeing where he would take it. The charismatic hipster Malcolm would have given us a very different Nation of Islam, which is obviously why he was murdered.
Farrakhan’s fascist Islam, the Islam of his financiers Gaddafi, al-Bashir, Turabi and the Wahhabi Saudis, like fascist Christianity, was spread at the point of a slaver’s sword. One reason Judaism is a minority religion, despite being the mother of both Christianity and Islam, is because the Jews never forgot that their founding myth was that of Moses leading a multiethnic slave uprising, and so never spread Judaism at the point of a slaver’s sword. When ancient Israel was a power, it traded with and honored the great African kingdoms, not enslaved them. To ancient Israel, the Queen of Sheba, the Queen of the Yemeni kingdom of Saba, was a Queen.
Modern Israel intentionally gave itself a large Black African population with its decades-long government-run airlift of Ethiopia’s Jews, who call themselves Beta Israel, the House of Israel. In fact, Operation Solomon set the world record for the most passengers ever flown on a single commercial aircraft, carrying 1,122 Jewish refugees from Ethiopia on one El Al 747 in 1991. All 14,500 refugees gathered for that airlift were rescued. That Israeli commando unit was led by famed Israeli paratrooper Benny Gantz, founder of the moderate Blue & White coalition now challenging Likud.
The Queen of Sheba’s people, the ancient Israeli tribe of Dan, stretched westward from Ethiopia (Axum) to Kush, Meroe and Butana in eastern Sudan. These were, like all tribal cultures, matriarchal herbal sacramentalists, hence the Rastafarian connection. The 14th century Kebra Nagast, written in ancient Ethiopian (Ge’ez), recounts the birth of the Ethiopian royal dynasty beginning with the marriage of Solomon and Sheba, also called Makeda, by “the lord God of Israel.” We have the archeological remains of these cultures, dating from 1300 BCE, as well as extensive biblical, Quranic, Ethiopian and contemporary literary references. The Beta Israel airlift was supported by all sides of the political spectrum and both of Israel’s Chief Rabbis.
Constantine was the greatest slaver on the planet when he coopted the Jewish religion known as Christianity. In light of the Roman experience, and Israel’s founding myth of Moses’ slave uprising, that is, the theological identification of the Romans with Pharoah’s Egyptian slavers, by Roman times most of Israel was opposed to human enslavement. That cultural and religious attitude turned the Jews into the official scapegoat of the Roman slave state, which, three hundred years after his death, insisted that Jesus sanctioned human enslavement. The real Jesus, who was a Moshiah, which means something like war shaman, was actually executed by the Romans for resisting it. It was that ferocious resistance to Roman enslavement that first popularized Judaism throughout the Roman Empire, and prompted the Romans to rename Israel ‘Palestine’ after they crushed the last Israeli revolt of Shimon Bar Kokhba in 132 CE. The Greek-related Palestinians (the name is Greek) first arrived in Israel as settlers on Israel’s Mediterranean coastal plain in the time of Moses (1200 BCE), so both claims to the land are equally ancient.
All originary Constantinian Christian ritual is identical to Roman slave state emperor worship, Jesus simply substituting as the permanent Roman emperor. The holidays are the same, the rituals are the same, the same incense is used in exactly the same way. Nothing changed for Constantine’s slaves upon the adoption of Christianity except the substitution of the emperor’s name with Jesus’ name in the mandatory slave state rituals.
So with slave state Islam. The Prophet Muhammad was born into anarchy and tribal warfare, for land and trade, between the ‘pagan’ Arab tribes and the Jewish tribes. He conquered all Arabia, but consistently used diplomacy and morality, as well as warfare, to unite the land. He was both a conqueror and a moral teacher. He did not abolish slavery, but he limited and moderated it. Muhammad was adamantly anti-racist, and made sure that women had the right to own property and divorce their husbands. He stressed Ijtihad, original thinking. Islam produced periods of great multicultural freedom and creativity, per the turned-on Prophet himself. Muslim Spain, called al-Andalus, created the city of Córdoba, from the tenth to the twelfth century the largest city in Europe. Córdoba’s universities led major advances in trigonometry (Geber), astronomy (Arzachel), surgery (Abulcasis), pharmacology (Avenzoar) and many other arts and sciences. In the face of Christian Europe’s inquisitorial book burning, Córdoba was directly responsible for the survival of the great Greek literature, including Plato, Aristotle and Aeschylus, through translations from the Arabic, Hebrew, Latin and the survival of the original Greek.
But Islam was put to less elevated purposes after most Muslim cultures devolved into industrial slave states. ‘Submission’ to Islam came to mean, all too often during the middle ages, submission to enslavement. The same thing was done to Chistianity, the other great Abrahamic religion spread at the point of a slaver’s sword. As the Encyclopedia Brittanica puts it, “Slaves were owned in all Islamic societies, both sedentary and nomadic, ranging from Arabia in the centre to North Africa in the west and to what is now Pakistan and Indonesia in the east. Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities’ energies.” A culture of conformity, masquerading as piety, pervaded slave-state Islam, which curses it to this day, nonconformity, Ijtihad, being equated with impiety. The erudite Prophet himself would be the first to rebel against this.
All of the Iron Age Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, were born at a time when human enslavement and tribal warfare were commonplace. I am not idolatrous, that is, uncritical, about any of these Iron Age religions, and do not find it spiritually useful to adopt the attitude of religious competition as did the ancient conquerors Constantine and Muhammad. They did that for purposes of territorial expansion and enslavement. Religion forced at the point of a slaver’s sword is not religion, as the Holy Quran correctly insists: “There shall be no compulsion in religion” (2:256) And there’s plenty of slavery and ancient savagery in Judaism’s iron age texts as well – Joshua was not a pacifist. Ancient Israel could be just as patriarchal and anti-shamanic as any of the other patriarchal religions. I prefer the ancient Tibetan Buddhist teaching that “all sacred traditions are sacred,” which leads to respect for the humanity of all believers.
Farrakhan and the NOI, which runs a very professional website and PR operation, attempting to coopt progressivism, makes a point of ignoring the fact that there was very little Jewish political power in America when the racist drug laws were passed, and many of the most committed anti-prohibitionists and early supporters of the NAACP, warning of selective racist enforcement, were Jewish – back in the day when supporting Black freedom was really dangerous (just Wikipedia NAACP, or Al Smith). It struck my grandparents, when they arrived in the U.S. in the 1890s and early 1900s, that Black America was being used exactly as Jewish Europe was being used, as the preferred fascist scapegoat.
The actual 1909 founders of the NAACP were pioneering sufffragist Mary White Ovington, pioneering socialist journalist William English Walling, theatrical producer Henry Moskowitz, liberal lawyer Moorfield Storey, and legendary lecturer and author W.E.B. Dubois. It was Jack Greenberg who was one of Thurgood Marshall’s chief assistants on the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 desegregation case, Brown vs. Board of Education.
One of Martin Luther King’s closest advisers was attorney Stanley Levison, with whom he organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Levison, along with his good friend Bayard Rustin, had been the lead organizers and fundraisers for the original 1955 -1956 Montgomery bus boycott, which kicked off the political explosion known as the modern civil rights movement. They were risking their lives. Levison and Rustin co-wrote King’s 1958 book, Stride Toward Freedom. Levison negotiated the book contract pro-bono, like everything he did for the civil rights movement. Like King, both Levison and Rustin became a target of the KKK and J. Edgar Hoover’s lethal FBI, which was actually cooperating with the segregationist states and the KKK in the name of Hoover’s favorite hobby horse, anticommunism. Levison was an old fashioned WWII-era anti-fascist with ties to the American Communist Party, precisely because, in the 1930s, they were anti-fascist and anti-racist long before most others. Levison also had a problem with income inequality and the lack of health care. The FBI itself confirmed that Levison had permanently severed his ties to the Communist Party in 1957, and had never been a foreign agent.
Hoover’s FBI was 100% male and 99.4% White. J. Edgar Hoover’s staunch supporter was the leader of the segregationists, Senator James Eastland of Mississippi, owner of one of the largest old-time cotton plantations in Mississippi (6000 acres). Hoover and Eastland had a secret intelligence-sharing agreement since 1955. Hoover, when his spies got hold of the freedom riders’ bus schedule, actually set them up for ambush by the KKK. Senator Eastland’s Internal Security Committee subpoenaed Levison for a McCarthyite grilling behind closed doors in April, 1962, but attorney Levison just stonewalled Eastland with the fifth amendment.
Despite extensive wiretaps that lasted for years, nothing was ever found to incriminate Levison in any illegality or operation for a foreign government - he was just a genuine socialist with a deep hatred of racism, a hatred that did indeed, as the racist anti-semite Hoover insisted, run through Jewish culture.
The August 1963 March on Washington brought 250,000 demonstrators to the capital in the largest public protest in American history. The day after King’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech, Hoover’s COINTELPRO chief, William Sullivan, reported to Hoover, “In the light of King’s powerful demagogic speech.… We must mark him now, if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this Nation from the standpoint of communism, the Negro and national security.” Pure Senator Eastland.
Martin Luther King Jr., center, with Stanley David Levison, on King’s left arm, and prominent bearded Jewish theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel, leading the Selma march in 1965. Ralph Abernathy is on King’s right arm, John Lewis is far left. Courtesy of Susannah Heschel
But two young Jewish lefties and a heroic Mississippian, Andrew Goodman and Mickey Schwerner, who died beside James Chaney in the Freedom Summer of 1964, changed the FBI’s stance. These spectacular murders, June 21, 1964, which made headlines all over the world, finally forced an enraged LBJ to directly order Hoover to break the KKK with a powerful counterintelligence program, something Hoover was very good at, having completely broken the American Communist Party that way.
LBJ was about to sign the historic Civil Rights Act, which he did just a few days after the murders, on July 2, 1964. Hoover, with his job on the line, was anxious to appear effective to LBJ, despite his racist sympathies. He had specific orders from an angry and very powerful president who understood how to wield that power. Hoover called the operation ‘White Hate.’ This operation ran from 1964 to 1971. Hundreds of FBI agents paid hundreds of local informants throughout the deep south big money, which most of them needed. The FBI planted bugs and wiretaps, penetrated the local KKK-supporting police departments and used the results of their wiretaps and informant penetrations to confuse the KKK, running stings like implicating KKK members who hadn’t turned as turncoats. The KKK found itself unable to hold a local Klavern meeting without a full, specific report delivered to the FBI by a participant. Much of the KKK leadership was thrown into prison and its weapons caches destroyed. Under the FBI heat, local law enforcement began withdrawing its support and even targeted Klan leaders for selective enforcement of petty offenses. The IRS targeted KKK leaders and the Justice Department brought charges of interstate financial fraud. The House Un-American Activities Committee threw Klan leaders in prison for contempt. The decapitated KKK was neutralized as an effective interstate terrorist organization.
The effectiveness of this operation allowed the racist Hoover to launch his next major COINTELPRO – the 1967 operation ‘Black Hate,’ and his more subtle ‘Ghetto Informant Program,’ aimed at King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown’s Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and Bobby Seale and Huey Newton’s new Black Panther Party, founded in 1966.
The Panthers were enraged at the constant police rousting behind the drug laws, and that rage had nothing to do with Russian commies, but the racist Oakland, California police. Hoover was able to sell LBJ on the idiotic idea that there was a basic, motivating connection between the Russian and Vietnamese commies and these progressive, nonviolent American social movements.
LBJ equated the Black street riots with the massive civil unrest caused by opposition to the war, and so encouraged Hoover to add the COINTELPRO ‘New Left’ to his list of counterintelligence programs targeting legal American groups. LBJ’s successor Nixon also seriously believed this McCarthyite nonsense that foreign commies were causing the unrest, not insane policies. The Panthers actually concentrated on community social programs and community self-defense against the constant police brutality behind the drug laws. There was indeed plenty of pot and Rastafarian attitude to be found - among the anti-war students, of which I was one, as well as the Panthers, but no Russian or Chinese commies plotting revolution. When the CIA’s domestic spying ‘Operation Chaos’ issued its first report in November of 1967, that was its conclusion. The Panthers were just local activists opening Free Breakfast for Children Programs and community health clinics, and the students were just students. As one young FBI intelligence agent, constantly being pushed to prove that the Russians were behind the unrest, put it, “We knew they were not. Nothing would have scared the Soviets more than these students.” 8
Unlike the Black Panthers, Farrakhan’s fascist Islam continued to support the drug laws, if not the selective enforcement. Says Farrakhan, on his website today, peddling the DEA line word for word, “Most of the violent crime on the streets is drug-related…The government can help us by patrolling the borders and keeping drugs out of the country.” This is active support for the mass-imprisonment police state, for criminalization, because it gives Farrrakhan’s NOI an excuse to ‘deputize’ his minions to police the streets. 9
Most of the violence on the street is not drug related, it is money related, based on the artificial value Prohibition gives these demanded commodities. Collapse the artificial value with legalization of the whole herbs, and medicalization of the concentrates, and the violence collapses instantly, since dealing territory becomes worthless. That is precisely what Holland and Portugal have done. Holland has less than 20% of our per capita opioid use rate, and 15% of our rate of violent crime, murder and imprisonment. As the addiction scientists say, “proscription fails, prescription succeeds.” The young street gangs in Chicago are not fighting with each other because they’re stoned, they’re fighting with each other because Prohibition makes dealing territory worth a fortune. The NOI is actually helping the DEA run its price support for illegal ‘drugs,’ advocating throwing young kids into prison for behaving absolutely normally in a prohibitionist environment where structural poverty causes chronic pain. Human herbalism is the opposite of abnormal, it’s an instinctive reaction to pain.
The NOI cannot answer the real question Prohibition asks, which is why criminalize traditional human herbalism? Why criminalize the painkiller, rather than the pain? The answer is that demonization of traditional tribal herbalism is an organic part of the enslavement process, as the Rastafarians, with their photographic memory of their own history and their shamanic genius, have always taught. Herbal shamans make very dangerous slaves. Randall Robinson, president of the TransAfrica Forum, NY Times, 3/24/96, of al-Bashir’s Muslim enslavement of Sudan’s Black African south: “I don't know that Americans as a whole know much about the de facto practice of slavery in Sudan. I'm sure that if more people had known, they would have been shocked and disappointed with his [Farrakhan’s] statements of support for Sudan.” But Farrkhan is on the Sudanese payroll – their North African jihadi fascism is his playbook.
And, if we are being idolatrous, that is, uncritical, about these ancient holy books, it is well to remember that all three Abrahamic religious texts were written by many different people over a period of centuries and are wildly inconsistent. The Holy Quran is not uniformly puritanical and prohibitionistic, as pious, manipulative ‘teachers’ would have many believe:
Quran 16.67 “And of the fruits of the date palms and the grapes, you obtain alcoholic drinks and goods. Verily in that is a sign for a people who use their understanding.”
Sahih Muslim - Hadith #3753 “We were with the prophet of Allah and he was thirsty. And a man said: ‘O prophet of Allah, do you want to drink wine?’ Prophet of Allah said: ‘Yes’. The man went to get the wine. The prophet of Allah said: ‘Make it intoxicated’. And he drank.”
Musnad Ahmad - Hadith #3594: “He was with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him on the night of the jinn when he asked him if he had water. He answered that he had wine in a pot. Mohammed said: Pour me some to do ablution and he did. [The] Prophet peace be upon him [said]: “O Abdullah bin Masood it is a drink and a purifier.”
Always being sober and ready to salute is not a holy principle, it is a slaver principle. Farrakhan’s NOI twists Islam exactly the same way the KKK twists Chistianity. Like the KKK, they support Prohibition, because they profit from the wreckage. When the subject of Muslim complicity in the great renaissance-era African slave trade comes up, Farrakhan changes the subject with the classic slaver red herring - rabid aggressive racism, identical to that of the KKK, as if ‘the Jews’ had any power at all in renaissance-era Spain and Portugal, from which they had just been expelled for not being Catholic, that is, pro-slavery. For the slaver KKK it’s ‘the niggers,’ for Farrakhan’s faux Islam it’s ‘the Jews,’ coincident with the political agenda of the NOI’s original jihadist slaver financiers, Gaddafi, al-Bashir, Turabi and the Wahhabi Saudis.
The Syrian Hathor, pictured above in Egyptian relief, handing sacramental plants to Min and Reshef, dating to the time of Moses. Contrary to the conceit of both Israel and Islam, history did not begin with them. Both the ‘pagan’ Arabs and the Israelis have common cultural roots. The Kohanim, priests, competed for legitimacy in Israel with the 'pagan' priests of Kadesh, The Kadesh were concerned with physical sacramentalism - vegetal, animal or human. To this day their name means 'blessing' or 'holy' in Hebrew. The Ten Commandments, c. 1200 BCE, likewise are not original to Moses, but are a direct copy of parts of the Code of Hammurabi, c. 1800 BCE, which we have, perfectly legible, beautifully carved into marble. Note that these ‘pagans’ are matriarchal and herbal sacramental. Another name for Hathor is Asherah, or Sheba. (See my book Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda)
Saudi Wahhabism dates to the 18th century, to the Ottoman Empire, and, when combined with Salafism and the idea of takfir, excommunication justifying murder, is a right-wing conquistador perversion of Islam, every bit as murderous and insane as what the medieval Inquisition, or Franco, Mussolini and Hitler did to Christianity. This slaver perversion of Islam was designed to inspire the troops of Abdul Aziz ibn Saud in his war with Hussein bin Ali (the father of the Jordanian monarchy) for the title of Sherif of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina upon the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI. Salafism stresses ‘the ancestors, the ancient ones,’ caricaturing the early medieval warriors surrounding the Prophet Muhammad as an oxymoronic gang of prissy fussbudgets preoccupied with the minutiae of religious observance and proper sexual behavior. They were much tougher than that.
Saudi Aramco is one of the most valuable companies in the world, literally worth trillions. Because of their fabulous oil wealth, the Saudis have made it their business to finance as much as 80% of America’s hundreds of mosques, providing textbooks, dictating curricula, giving a fundamentalist Wahhabi tilt to much of Islam in America, and the world. Since 1975, the Saudis have spent in excess of $70 billion to promote their puritanical, misogynistic, theocratic version of Islam, which harkens to al-Wahhab and Sayyid Qutb as founding fathers. This is by far the largest propaganda campaign in history. The Wahhabi Saudis finance Farrakhan and his entourage’s gaudy pilgrimage to Mecca every year.
There are plenty of commonsense American Muslim leaders, many impressively erudite Arabic-speakers, who agree with Mustafa Elhussein, secretary of the Ibn Khaldun Society: “There is a great deal of bitterness that such [Saudi-financed right-wing] groups have tarnished the reputation of mainstream Muslims….self-appointed leaders . . . spew hatred toward America and the West and yet claim to be the legitimate spokespersons for the American Muslim community.” 10
Islam is not about racism and hatred, but Farrakhan’s NOI refers to Blacks as God’s chosen people and Caucasians as white devils (created by negative eugenic breeding from Black people 6,600 years ago by ‘Yakub,’ believe it or not). They call for a separate homeland for American Blacks, for racially segregated education and for a ban on interracial marriage (I just saw Loving). Farrakhan says Judaism is a “gutter religion.” “It's the wicked Jews, the false Jews, that are promoting lesbianism, homosexuality.” OK, I don’t deserve it, but I’ll take credit for that one. As Denzel said in The Siege, “You’re just stupid enough to think that’s an insult.” The Holy Quran actually says “Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.”[2.62]
In a June 18, 1997 letter to the Wall Street Journal, Farrakhan, who certainly knows how to quote his Quran to cover his ass, protested that he was referring to Israeli policy, not Judaism: “As a Muslim, I revere Abraham, Moses, and all the Prophets whom Allah (God) sent to the children of Israel. I believe in the scriptures brought by these Prophets and the Laws of Allah (God) as expressed in the Torah. I would never refer to the Revealed Word of Allah (God)—the basis of Jewish Faith—as ‘dirty’ or ‘gutter.’”
But then, after writing that, this duplicitous Trump admirer, who lies for rhetorical convenience just as easily as Trump, continues with every antisemitic trope or crib from Nazi rhetoric that he can find: “Satanic Jews have infected the whole world with poison and deceit.” Sermon, 5/27/18. “The Jews have control over those agencies of government. When you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door.” Saviour’s Day Speech, 2/25/18. “It is now becoming apparent that there were many Israelis and Zionist Jews in key roles in the 9/11 attacks. Israelis had foreknowledge of the attacks... We know that many Jews received a text message not to come to work on September 11” Saviour’s Day Speech, 2015. “I believe that for the small numbers of Jewish people in the United States, they exercise a tremendous amount of influence on the affairs of government...Yes, they exercise extraordinary control, and Black people will never be free in this country until they are free of that kind of control.”Meet The Press interview, 4/14/97. “The false Jew will lead you to filth and indecency. That’s who runs show business. That’s who runs the record industry. That’s who runs television.” Sermon, 5/27/18. “White people running Mexico are Mexican-Jews.” Saviour’s Day Speech, 2/25/18. “The Jews have been so bad at politics they lost half their population in the Holocaust. They thought they could trust in Hitler, and they helped him get the Third Reich on the road.” Saviours' Day Speech, Chicago, 2/22/98. “How did I get to be an anti-Semite...What have I done? I told the truth about Jewish involvement in the slave trade.” Mosque Maryam, Chicago, 3/19/95. “White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God's grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I'm here to say your time is up, your world is through.” Saviour’s Day Speech, 2018 “I'm not an anti-Semite. I'm anti-Termite.” Twitter, 10/17/2018.
Farrakhan toured American colleges with his Nazi otherizing of Jewish people, and demonizing of White and gay people, throughout the 1980s and 90s, doing his best to spread North African-style slaver bigotry among the young, as a way to promote his fascist version of Islam. On campus after campus he consistently called out 18 year old kids away from home for the first time: “Are there any Jews in the audience? If you’re a Jew, raise your hand.” That’s when I began to hate his guts. This octogenarian anachronism is, unfortunately, a talented propagandist who knows how to trigger Black American emotions – he understands the Muslim Brotherhood’s fascist technique. As the most famous fake Muslim preacher in America, he is the primary propagator of ‘Islamophobia’ in America. His revolting jihadi racism is associated by most Americans with Islam, which is a tragedy for both Islam and America, since the real Islam is organically anti-racist, tolerant and peaceful. But many Americans associate Islam with the scapegoating Muslim Brotherhood fascism of Farrakhan.
Teresa Shook, the founder of the Women’s March, complained on her Twitter feed, 11/19/2018, that “Bob Bland, Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour and Carmen Perez of Women’s March, Inc. have steered the Movement away from its true course. I have waited, hoping they would right the ship. But they have not. In opposition to our Unity Principles, they have allowed anti-Semitism, anti-LBGTQIA sentiment and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the platform by their refusal to separate themselves from groups that espouse these racist, hateful beliefs. I call for the current Co-Chairs to step down and to let others lead who can restore faith in the Movement and its original intent.”
The NAACP, the DNC, Emily’s List, the Southern Poverty Law Center, NARAL, the National Abortion Federation, and the AFL-CIO were forced to drop out as sponsors of the 2019 March. There were almost no Democratic political stars in the 1/19/2019 Women’s March in DC, and the crowd was much smaller than the previous year. That is a consequence of popular revulsion for the murderous NOI, which is every bit as toxic to American culture as the KKK, popularizing, legitimizing, racist and homophobic thinking. Eyewitnesses quote March co-chairs Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory repeating Farrakhan’s favorite canards, that Jewish people bore a special collective responsibility as exploiters of Black and Brown people, and that Jews were leaders of the American slave trade. These four women colluded to take legal control of the Women’s March’s considerable brand-name income, and put NOI gunsels on the Women’s March payroll as ‘security.’
Women’s March cofounder Vanessa Wruble, the founder, with musical giant Questlove, of media platform OkayAfrica, the largest U.S.-based website focusing on new and progressive music, art, politics, and culture from the African continent and diaspora, told Tablet Magazine, 12/10/2018: “What I remember - and what I was taken aback by - was the idea that Jews were specifically involved, and predominantly involved, in the slave trade, and that Jews make a lot of money off of black and brown bodies. And those were the statements that I remember. And similar things were repeated sort of throughout our organizing together.”
“Mercy Morganfield, a longtime activist and daughter of blues legend Muddy Waters, has been one of the leading voices in calling for accountability from the co-chairs. For Morganfield, a former spokesperson for the Women’s March who also ran the D.C. branch, the various problems that people have had with the Women’s March—ideological, managerial, fiscal—should be seen as all of a piece. She recalled being startled earlier this year when Mallory—already a nationally recognized leader of the Women’s March—showed up at the Nation of Islam’s Saviours’ Day event. ‘When all of that went down, it was my last straw,’ she told Tablet. ‘You are part of a national movement that is about the equality of women and you are sitting in the front row listening to a man say women belong in the kitchen and you’re nodding your head saying amen!”
“I suddenly realized that Tamika [Mallory] and Carmen [Perez] were facing [March co-founder] Vanessa [Wruble], who was sitting on a couch, and berating her - but it wasn’t about her being white. It was about her being Jewish. ‘Your people this, your people that.’ I was raised in the South and the language that was used is language that I’m very used to hearing in rural South Carolina. Just instead of against black people, against Jewish people. They even said to her ‘your people hold all the wealth.’ You could hear a pin drop. It was awful.”
This is North African jihadi racism, exacerbated by identification with Palestine’s military defeat at the hands of Israel. But the official position of Israel, at the U.N. in 1947, just before the war began, was acceptance of U.N. Resolution 181 – recognition of Palestine, not Nakba, not catastrophe. Resolution 181 gave Palestine 2/3 of the arable land, and Israel immediately accepted it, because the outnumbered Israelis thought they were going to lose the 1947 war. The official position of Palestine at the U.N. in 1947 was genocide, absolute rejection of any compromise, literally promising Israel, repeatedly on the floor of the U.N., to murder all of its children. The dictator of Palestine, making all the decisions for Palestine at the U.N. in 1947, was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler’s chief Muslim death squad recruiter and Arabic propagandist, the antisemitic voice of ‘Islam’ on Radio Berlin. As an official part of Hitler’s Holocaust, the Grand Mufti was paid twice what Hitler paid his field marshalls. The Grand Mufti made sure to leave Israel no option but to fight in 1947. More about this in the Afghanistan chapters of this book, since it is relevant to the American and Pakistani backing of the jihadi heroin gangs running the Afghan war, the ones who hit us on 9/11, the ones we financed.
The Grand Mufti’s political descendants, Hamas, made it their business to use terrorism to sabotage the creation of the state of Palestine again in the year 2000 in the wake of the Oslo Treaty, just as they sabotaged the creation of the state of Palestine in 1947 by summarily rejecting U.N. Resolution 181. Palestine, since 1947, has had two governments, now known as Fatah and Hamas, at war with each other. Hamas has made peace impossible, literally refusing to recognize Israel’s right to exist, and has used its surprise-attack terrorism to sabotage the Oslo Treaty, for which both sides won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Hamas, an officially fascist political party, has driven Israel to the right with its terrorism, politically destroying Israel’s peace movement, which was led by the Labor Party, Israel’s founding political party, the party that accepted Resolution 181 and led the Oslo Treaty. Driving Israel to the right has only served to strengthen the racist Hamas jihadis, and the Hamas jihadis have always understood that.
Israel is struggling to regain its political balance. Rabbi Benny Lau of Jerusalem, a pillar of religious Zionism, warned that “The entry of the racist doctrine into the Knesset is the destruction of the Temple.” Jews take the cancer of racism very seriously. But, as columnist Bret Stephens asks, “When was the last time there was a gay-pride parade in Ramallah, a women’s rights march in Gaza?” Israel is still a democratic country with a free press and therefore with an electoral chance to reestablish centrist control. The April, 2019, elections saw the new centrist Blue & White (Kahol Lavan) alliance tie Likud in the Knesset, with Labor earning only 10%, but most of the other nine parties were rightwing Likud allies – except of course, Balad, the United Arab List, polling at 4%. Balad are free in Israel to do all the electioneering and advocating for a Palestinian state that they want, and they are on the ballot.
The once mighty secular-left Labor Party is no longer a leading force in Israel, because it trusted Fatah to control Hamas during the Oslo peace process. The result, in the Second Intifada of the early 2000s, was a thousand dead Israelis, many little children blown to pieces in their buses on the way to primary school. Needless to say, this produced a great deal of real Israeli hostility. Google ‘U.N. Resolution 181’ and look at the map – you’ll be amazed at what Palestine turned down flat in 1947 – in favor of an official policy of racist genocide, which is still the Hamas philosophy. In the face of a terrorist campaign of suicide bombings, Israel is then accused of racism when it forces Palestinians to submit to security checks. Israel only instituted constant security checks in reaction to constant terrorism. And Hamas, which is as politically powerful as Fatah, still will not match Fatah and declare mutual recognition and peace. Hamas will not even sit down with Israel to talk about providing water to Gaza, it went to Egyptian intermediaries. Israel needs one sane Palestinian government, not two, and so does Palestine. Refusing to recognize the other’s right to exist is not sane.
Multi-cultural livewire Vanessa Wruble, in the face of the racism of the Women’s March’s new leadership, which identifies with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, left the Women’s March in January, 2017 to found March On, with a new leadership free of racism. “When Tablet asked Morganfield whether she believes the co-chairs are anti-Semitic, she offered a terse answer: ‘There are no Jewish women on the board. They refused to put any on. Most of the Jewish people resigned and left. They refused to even put anti-Semitism in the unity principles.” 11
Like Trump speaking of the KKK’s ‘Unite the Right’ rally at Charlottesville, Women’s March organizer Tamika Mallory refused to condemn Farakhan’s overt racism on ‘The View,’ saying that Farrakhan is the Greatest Of All Time (a moniker lifted from Muhammad Ali) “because of what he’s done in black communities.” This is the Muslim Brotherhood technique – spread jihadi power through real community involvement. The NOI really does help people recovering from prison get back on their feet. They really do act like a loving congregation in the face of personal tragedy. And they are not wrong about the racist mass-imprisonment and racist police murder in Drug War America.
But what Tamika Mallory, who has suffered personally from gun violence, and many other NOI activists don’t seem to understand is that shamanic people should never be thrown into prison on drug charges in the first place - Muslim or not, clean-living or not. Drug War gun violence is caused entirely by Prohibition, that is, by the artificial value Prohibition gives these demanded commodities, not by shamanic behavior. People are killing each other over money and dealing territory, not because they’re stoned. I personally like how Rastafarians, of all colors, find a steady groove with their traditional tribal sacrament, certainly the human race’s most popular herbal sacrament, sacred in all its cultures of origin – Africa, the Middle East, Asia and southern Europe. Herodotus wrote of hanging out with stoned Scythian archers from the Black Sea region having a high old time with kánnabis in 450 BC. Κάνναβις is originally a Scythian word, coming down to us through the Greek, and then through the Old English hænep, hemp.
What the Prohibitionist NOI has actually done in Black communities is support the Drug War – in the name of Islam, and then profit from the wreckage. Prisons are a great place to proselytize. Mallory got her activist training in Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, and I have never heard Rev. Al say a racist thing. Al Sharpton would not stand silently by, approving a racist diatribe – he has always had the guts and integrity to speak up. As Muhammad Ali, the real Greatest, told reporter Dave Kindred in Louisville a month after the 1975 ‘Thrilla in Manila,’ “I would have gotten out of this [the Nation of Islam] a long time ago, but you saw what they did to Malcolm X. . . . I can’t leave the Muslims. They’d shoot me, too.” According to Muhammad Ali, “hearts and souls have no color.” Ali insisted that it was wrong of Elijah Muhammad and Farrakhan to talk of “white devils.” “I've changed what I believe, and what I believe in now is true Islam.” 12
Exactly as Malcolm and Muhammad Ali said, Farrakhan and the NOI teach the exact opposite of what is actually taught in the Holy Quran, as Farrakhan himself acknowledges when attempting to maintain his pious credentials. So far from being anti-Jewish, Mûsâ ibn ‘Imran, Moses the son of Amram, is considered a prophet, messenger, and leader in Islam, and is, in fact, the most frequently mentioned individual in the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran says:
“Also mention in the Book (the story of) Moses: for he was specially chosen, and he was a messenger (and) a prophet.”
“And we called him from the right side of Mount (Sinai), and made him draw near to Us, for mystic (converse).”
“And, out of Our Mercy, We gave him his brother Aaron, (also) a prophet. (Quran, sura 19 (Maryam), ayat 51–53)”
Moses was considered by the Prophet Muhammad to be a prophetic predecessor. The Prophet saw his own migration (hijira) from Mecca, made in 622 CE, to parallel the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Moses (Musa) is important in Islam for having been given the revelation of the Torah, which is considered to be one of the true revealed scriptures in Muslim theology, and Muslims generally hold that much of the Torah is confirmed and repeated in the Holy Quran. Muhammad saw himself replacing the Jewish and pagan Arab tribes politically and commercially, as a way to end the internecine warfare between the tribes. But culturally, the Prophet saw the Islamic tradition he was inventing as a needed extension of Jewish tradition. So far as the Prophet was concerned, Jewish morality was morality. As the Holy Quran recounts, Moses urged Muhammad in the event of the Mi’raj, when he ascended through the seven heavens to join the Prophets, to reduce the number of obligatory prayers to five. So far from being anti-Jewish, the Prophet Muhammad regarded Moses as a role model and divine inspiration, and Jewish tradition as foundational to Islam. And the Prophet made no secret of his respect for his Jewish wife and neighbors, although he did, as often as not, roll over them militarily and politically. One of the reasons politics and religion are not separated in much of the Muslim world is that they were not separate in the Prophet’s world.
The last sermon of the Prophet Muhammad in the Holy Quran is one of the great anti-racist statements in human history, again, part of his effort to end tribalism in favor of mutual respect. To teach racism or religious bigotry in the name of Islam is to curse the Holy Name of Islam, and is as evil as teaching murder in the name of Islam. “O people! Verily your Lord is one and your father is one. All of you belong to one ancestry of Adam and Adam was created out of clay. There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab and for a non-Arab over an Arab; nor for white over the black nor for the black over the white, except in piety.”
That is precisely what Malcolm had to say. Malcolm split with the NOI over the racism issue on March 8, 1964, converting to classic Sunni Islam. In a widely published letter from Mecca, September 22, 1964, Malcolm X said of the real Islam, “This religion recognizes all men as brothers. It accepts all human beings as equals before God, and as equal members in the Human Family of Mankind. I totally reject Elijah Muhammad’s racist philosophy, which he has labeled ‘Islam’ only to fool and misuse gullible people as he fooled and misused me. But I blame only myself, and no one else for the fool that I was, and the harm that my evangelical foolishness on his behalf has done to others.”
Mecca inspired Malcolm to adopt a truly spiritual attitude, rejecting the idea of competition between religions, “yet some of my dearest friends are Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, agnostics, and even atheists - some are capitalists, Socialists, and Communists - some are moderates, conservatives, extremists - some are even Uncle Toms….It takes all these religious, political, economic, psychological and racial ingredients to make the Human Family and the Human Society complete….We must forget politics and propaganda and approach this as a Human Problem which all of us as human beings are obligated to correct. The wellmeaning whites must become less vocal and more active against racism of their fellow whites . . . and Negro leaders must make their own people see that with equal rights also go equal responsibilities.”
The 31-year-old Farrakhan responded in Muhammad Speaks, December, 1964, “The die is set, and Malcolm shall not escape. ... Such a man as Malcolm is worthy of death.” This is a jihadi fascist speaking. Muhammad Speaks was actually the newspaper started by the charismatic Malcolm in his Harlem apartment in the early 1950s. As leader of Temple Number 7 in Harlem, Malcolm rapidly expanded Nation of Islam membership with his charismatic combination of politics and religion, becoming a threat to Farrakhan’s leadership. A few weeks later, February 21,1965, Malcolm died in a hail of gunfire in a Harlem ballroom. Malcolm’s wife, Betty Shabazz, who was in the room, publicly accused Farrakhan and NOI National Secretary John Ali of orchestrating the hit. The three convicted assassins were all NOI members. It is distinctly possible that Farrakhan coordinated with the FBI, given the FBI’s penetration of Malcolm’s security, and the security stand-down that day. 13
Much as I loathe this assassin and professional antisemite, it must be acknowledged that Farrakhan is a charismatic public speaker and a crafty opportunist who gives great pious. In the absence of more relevant Black leadership, the NOI scored a major political coup with its Million Man March of 1995, which provided an outlet and sense of community for a deeply frustrated and divided Black America. But as both Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali came to insist, Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam is a hustle, promoting things that are anathema to Islam.
The Prophet Muhammad says: “The tribe of Israel was guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another succeeded him. But no prophet will come after me; only caliphs will succeed me.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari) The Holy Quran says: “O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Messenger of God and the last in the line of Prophets. And God is aware of everything.” (Quran 33:40) “In My Ummah, there shall be born Thirty Grand Liars (Dajjals), each of whom will claim to be a prophet, But I am the Last Prophet; there is No Prophet after Me.” (Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi)
The NOI insists that the Prophet and the Hadith are incorrect: “WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited ‘Messiah’ of the Christians and the ‘Mahdi’ of the Muslims.” Fard turned over leadership of the growing Detroit group to Elijah Muhammad, and the Allah Temple of Islam changed its name to the Nation of Islam. After Fard’s suspicious 1934 disappearance, Elijah Muhammad inherited his property and his leadership, telling followers that Wallace Fard Muhammad had come as Allah, in the flesh, to share his teachings, and that he, Elijah Muhammad, was God’s prophet.
In Islam the ascribing of partners to God, referred to as shirk in Arabic, idolatry, is the greatest of all sins. The Quran states explicitly in chapter 4, verse 36: “Serve God, and join not any partners with Him.” An inscription in the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (est. 692 CE), a variation of the most basic confession of faith in Islam, the Shahada, reads “There is no god but God alone; He has no partner with him; Muhammad is the messenger of God.” The Prophet Muhammad ascended through the seven heavens to the throne of God to commune with Moses in his Mi’raj from the Dome of the Rock. Muslims believe Muhammad to have been the “Seal” or last of the prophets. To recognize anyone after Muhammad claiming to be a prophet, negates one’s Islam. But of course, without shirk, there is no ‘Nation of Islam.’
As Dr. Sulayman S. Nyang, professor and former chairman of the African Studies Department at Howard University, Gambia’s former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, puts it, Farrakhan is a “theological leper” among orthodox Muslims for his shirk and for racializing human origins with the Yakub nonsense. The whole point of Islam, from the Prophet Muhammad’s point of view, was that it was adamantly anti-racist – that there is only one human race as there is only one Creation, we are all one family, which is, of course, real prophesy. Capitalizing on Black frustration to lead Black America into anti-White and anti-Jewish racism, something Islam most definitely does not teach, is a mission from the NOI’s paymasters Gaddafi, al-Bashir, Turabi and al-Saud, not the Prophet Muhammad, nor is it a service to Black America or Islam. The Southern Poverty Law Center tracks the NOI as a hate group and major social media platforms have finally blocked Farrakhan for his hate speech. 14
Racism relates to the drug war exactly the same way it related to slavery. Racism didn’t cause slavery, industrial fascism, the economic utility of slaves caused slavery, and the consequent racism, in ancient Sumer as in colonial Georgia. It is the economic utility of the Drug War that drives the racism. The Drug War is profitable in many ways for those that are running it, not just imprisonment for profit, but to expand municipal police budgets, to provide the artificial value of drug crops to our covert client armies, to support weapons sales to those armies and to provide a never-ending Reichstag Fire justifying the militarization of American culture, exemplified by the ever-expanding ICE, the most overtly fascist police agency in American history. The Drug War needs an enemy, a scapegoat, a “negro cocaine fiend,” just as Hitler needed his “false Jews” to justify the Nazi conquest of all Europe. Farrakhan’s rhetoric is literally, word for word, Nazi rhetoric.
Racist thinking is deeply poisonous. There is only one human race. We all have common ancestors and are all blood kin. The biological test for ‘race’ is the ability to interbreed, and we have all been happily doing that forever. We are all born rank paleolithic mammals. The first thing we did on this earth was come out of our mother’s womb, just like every other old world ape, and suck on her breast. And nobody had to teach us how to suck – we knew that coming out of the womb. That’s eating, the most basic human instinct. We are born hardwired omnivores, that is, the use of herbs is literally as instinctive as sucking on your mother’s breast when you’re born. All human tribal culture, regardless of ethnicity, is matriarchal and shamanic. We have been homo sapiens for about 200,000 years. There is no conception of a male supreme deity in human culture prior to the invention of chattel slavery, about 7,000 years ago.
Chattel slavery, the legal definition of human beings as farm animals or industrial machinery, is the result of the military consolidation of Neolithic farming villages into the first great industrial slave states, the so-called first great civilizations. This evolutionary process happened more or less simultaneously in North Africa, Mesopotamia and China, and is an inevitable consequence of the wealth created by the birth of agriculture, 25,000 years ago, the Neolithic village. We ceased to be paleolithic hunters chasing the herds and crops in season and became settled villagers. The ‘first great civilizations’ are militarily consolidated Neolithic villages – every single one matriarchal and shamanic, tribal. This is why it is so important to remember what the Queen of Sheba represents - 99% of our ancestors. She is also called, depending on where your ancestors come from, Hathor, Asherah, Demeter, Persephone, Kwan Yin, Isis, Mama Coca, Peyote Woman, Durga, Nu Gua, Gaia, Artemis, Frigga, Danu, Imana, Lakshmi, Devi, Oshun, Ala, Isis, Oddudua, Mawu, Oya, Diana and on and on. Unlike Muhammad, who was, how shall I put it, a compulsive unifier, a conqueror, a slaver, albeit a humane one, I don’t have any problem at all with the cultural memory of the ‘pagan’ tribes.
The political function of the scapegoat, the ‘pagan,’ is to rationalize legally defining everyone as the scapegoat. That is, the slaver criminalizes and demonizes normal human herbalism, forcibly replacing the matriarchal shamanic tribal culture with the patriarchal industrial slaver culture. The enslavement process always begins by destroying the central herbal sacramental tribal rituals. The five foundational lies undergirding ‘drug’ prohibition are archetypal slaver law, put into American law by the KKK between 1906 and 1918: the Food & Drug Act of 1906, the Harrison Act of 1914, and Prohibtion, 1918, which gave us what we now call the DEA. It is the unconscious effect of this slaver law that drives the persistent racism, just as ‘separate but equal’ did. The inquisitorial neurosis, slaver hostility to tribal culture, the psychological underpinning of racism, is symbolized by the ethnic scapegoat. All human industrial cultures, because rooted in the enslavement process, suffer from the inquisitorial neurosis.
The five foundational slaver lies are:
1) Human herbalism is abnormal;
2) Human herbalism causes crime;
3) Whole herbs are the same thing as refined concentrates;
4) Pharmacological evidence is irrelevant in drug cases;
5) The pure physics of supply and demand can be overcome with legislation.
These lies, the slaver criminalization and demonization of normal human herbalism, although it’s not obvious, are as obscene as ‘separate but equal,’ put into American law by the same racist killers for the same purposes, and are still current law. This is the engine that drives the persistent racism. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 is the current federal update of these same slaver lies. Remember, the patriarchal religions are replacements, slaver religions, spread at the point of a slaver’s sword.
They are, of course, 95% traditional tribal rites of passage and morality, and 5% slaver overlay about ‘blasphemy,’ ‘submission,’ ‘obedience,’ ‘conformity,’ ‘sin,’ or, as the medieval Arab slavers used to say, ‘zindīq,’ heresy. All the great patriarchal religions are sacred, true religions, because 95% of their content is archetypal tribal rites of passage and morality. They are a true spiritual home for hundreds of millions. The celebration of birth, coming of age, marriage and death is sacred, and is more or less the same in all sacred traditions.
But the 5% of slaver overlay is not archetypal, does not exist in human tribal culture, the culture of 99% of our ancestors, and is not sacred. ‘Sin,’ of course, can be real archetypal sin, like murder, or it can be faux sin, slaver sin, like nonconformity, spiritual or musical creativity, dressing improperly, loving improperly or using an unapproved traditional herb. The slaver trick has always been to confuse the mortal, the archetypal, with the venial, the petty slaver conditioning. Confusing, in law, traditional sacramental whole herbs, like coca leaf, with newly-invented refined concentrates, like cocaine, is like confusing kitchen matches with grenades. There’s no analogy – they are two completely different things. And, of course, it is perfectly true that one would be unwise to try to light the kitchen stove with a grenade.
The problem with traditional tribal herbalism, from the slaver perspective, is that it provokes automatic archetypal creativity, a physical memory of the traditional unconquered tribe, your automatic self, your dream-self, your self before your legal definition as industrial machinery. The ancient shamanic herbs thus threaten theocratic slaver conformity, the ‘original sin’ so piously peddled by patriarchal religion for the sake of psychological domination. As a great singing shaman of my generation put it, “Look out kid, it’s somethin you did – god knows when, but you’re doin it again!” Tribal shamanism is defined as “archaic techniques of ecstacy,” so ecstacy became sinful. 15
In Africa, of course, the European slavers had to deal through their military equals, the Muslim conquerors of North and Central Africa. The great Senegalese filmmaker Ousmane Sembene’s film Ceddo: We Do Not Want To Convert To Islam! is a good look at invading Islam from an African tribal perspective (just Google to watch). As Kenya’s Gikuyu shaman Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o points out (Decolonising the Mind), Islam is no more a Native African religion than Christianity is a Native American religion. Nigeria’s great Yoruba shaman Wole Soyinka, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize for Literature, makes the same point. In Zimbabwe, Islam is virtually unknown; the predominant religions being those of the native Shona, Ndebele, and Tonga.
If you criminalize normal human herbalism, thus making traditional herbs legally unavailable and therefore artificially valuable, what you are doing is intentionally institutionalizing organized crime, intentionally starting gang turf wars in areas suffering from structural poverty. Combine that with no spending on structural poverty and racially selective enforcement and you’ve got your lucrative Drug War, lucrative, that is, to those in the warfare and imprisonment business. To criminalize normal human herbalism is to intentionally militarize the culture, to intentionally start gang turf wars over the artificially valuable dealing territory. Parts of Chicago or Los Angeles might as well be in Guatemala, Mexico or Honduras. As Tupac Amaru Shakur would tell you, his Black Panther parents named him after Tupac Amaru, the last Inca king to rise against the Spanish slavers, in 1572.
The Nigger, a 1909 Broadway play, believe it or not, was typical of the traveling temperance shows that ran all over the country between 1850 and 1920. This is the archetypal myth of the Drug Propaganda. The scene is the deep South. Our hero is Phil Morrow, owner of the local big plantation and county sheriff. Our villain is Clif Noyes, owner of Noyes Distillery Works and Phil’s childhood friend. There is a subplot of competition between the two for the hand of Miss Georgiana, but she rejects distiller Clif “as easily as I’d kick a niggah downstairs” and marries Phil after the first act. (Miss Georgiana sure don’t live in my neighborhood.)
The distiller has come to Phil’s plantation to persuade its blueblood owner to run for governor against the progressive, niggah-lovin, carpetbagger prohibitionist who threatens to turn the state dry. Just as he accepts Clif’s offer, a deputy runs breathlessly up to Phil to inform him that “it’s a niggah, suh, the usual crime” - the rape-murder of a little White girl in the woods. The rapist, an habitual drunk, is one of Phil’s plantation hands, so Phil gets his hands on him before the lynch mob, led by the murdered girl’s father.
Law’n’order Phil adamantly refuses to turn the “black beast” over to the mob, insisting that he must be hanged legally. Distiller Clif warns that this action will endanger “the anti-niggah vote” but Phil refuses to relent. Just then the rapist bolts, the mob gets him, and the anti-niggah vote is saved at the end of a rope.
Once in the statehouse, Phil is confronted with a prolonged race riot down in the levee district. Explains Phil to the horrified distiller: “This volcano’s helped me along considerable. We brought the niggahs ovah t’ this country, Clif - an’ I reckon we’re responsible fo’ them while theah heah. If we’ve kept ‘em like children, we’ve got to treat ‘em like children. An’ we’re not in the habit, Clif, o’ pourin’ liquoh down the throats of our infants. Why, day befo’ yeste’day I had a count made an’ theah were three thousand four hundred an’ sixty-seven idle niggahs in the fifty-nine saloons o’ the levee district! That was the end, Clif, an’ the long an’ the sho’t of it is - we’re goin’ dry!”
A KKK rally in Brunswick, Maryland, June 28, 1922
As Rep. Edward Pou of North Carolina explained on the floor of Congress in 1914, the South prohibits Black voting not out of hatred, but “as the adult takes the pistol from the hand of the child.” We are all, of course, The Nigger, all children, too stupid to take herbs our Paleolithic ancestors knew how to use, all likely to “degenerate to the level of the cannibal” at the first toke, as Rep. Richmond P. Hobson of Alabama, one of the authors of our current drug laws, put it. Like Louis Armstrong? Armstrong smoked pot regularly all his life, because he felt it put him in a musical place. “We did call ourselves the Vipers, which could have been anybody from all walks of life that smoked and respected the gage. That’s one reason why we appreciated pot, as y’all calls it now. The warmth it always brought forth from the other person.”
Armstrong wore the Star of David all his life in loving memory of the Karnofsky family who took the fatherless seven-year old street urchin into their home and bought him his first cornet. Armstrong had a hand in founding the Karnofsky Project in New Orleans, to distribute musical instruments to poor kids. He is the single most influential musician in human history. 16
The KKK, “Defenders of Protestant Americanism,” were violently Prohibitionist. Their “racial superiority” was explained in Prohibitionist, that is moral, terms. Prohibition was “Salvation,” “Gospel” as Hobson called it. Fascism always masquerades as venial morality, ‘values.’ In fact, the political confusion between venial morality and mortal morality is a defining characteristic of fascism, as if getting stoned too much were as evil as torturing people.
Communal sacramental herbalism is universal human tribal behavior. Pharmakon (φάρμακον) is Greek for herb or drug, implying its use in communal sacramental ritual, from which, obviously, ‘pharmacology.’ Pharmakós (φαρμακός) is scapegoat, originally a goat that was allowed to escape into the wild, taking the community’s bad karma with him. The use of a scapegoat is also archetypal human tribal ritual, found in all cultures, implying group identity. Industrial fascists need a scapegoat to coalesce. Without the pharmakos, the Nigger, the Judas, the Witch, the Pagan, the Dealer, the Fiend, the Commie, the Hippie who inflicts such grave hurt upon Our Salvation, there is no rationale for an ongoing Inquisitio, without which the structure of industrial fascism would be left standing naked. It ain’t so much what they’re for, it’s what they’re against. Fascism is always maudlin.
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